Rough benchmark selection principle

The Coarse Filter Selection Principle In modern complex business environments, it is necessary to develop a reliable evaluation system and process that can be used to select the most capable and appropriate candidate for a job opening. Employers must be able to identify the best available employe......

The Coarse Filter Selection Principle

In modern complex business environments, it is necessary to develop a reliable evaluation system and process that can be used to select the most capable and appropriate candidate for a job opening. Employers must be able to identify the best available employee for the job and make a wise decision about whom to hire. The Coarse Filter Selection Principle (CFSP) is a method which can be used to effectively evaluate and select employees.

The CFSP is a two-stage selection process that separates out weak or unsuitable candidates while focusing on those candidates who will provide the strongest value to the organization. This method relies on the goal of ensuring that the right candidate is chosen for the right job. The two-stage selection process begins by creating a list of criteria that matches the skills and characteristics needed for the job opening. Once the criteria has been established, potential candidates are forwarded to the decision maker who reviews each candidate against the predetermined criteria.

The decision maker has to make sure the candidate’s current abilities, potential future abilities, and total potential value to the organization must be assessed. This means looking at the overall skill set, knowledge, ability to acquire new skills, work ethic, work style and suitability for the job opening. Following this evaluation, the decision maker determines which candidates are most suitable for the job opening and those who should be passed over for consideration.

The CFSP can be an effective tool for the employer in forming a good understanding of which candidates have the best chance of meeting and exceeding the organization’s needs. This approach helps the employer cast a “broad net” when screening for candidates in order to select the best ones for more detailed evaluations.

The approach may also provide advantages when attempting to find passive job seekers and those whom may not be widely known, yet who are likely to be a good fit for the opening. This allows employers to identify and evaluate individuals who may lack networking and recruiting resources, but who could still prove beneficial to the organization.

The CFSP can also be a useful method when the organization is looking to make multiple hires which require similar skill sets and abilities. This approach can thoroughly review a larger candidate pool quickly, finding the right candidates to fill multiple openings.

CFSP is an important element of the hiring process. It helps the employer seek out the right candidate for the job without having to devote too much time in exhaustive evaluations. It is an efficient and economical method for introducing a large pool of suitable candidates for further discussion and examination. As such, it is a particularly valuable selection principle when time and resources are at a premium.

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