Payroll Auditing
Payroll auditing is an important part of a companys internal control system, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and company policies. It is a process whereby the accuracy of all payroll transactions and calculations is evaluated in an objective and systematic manner.
An effective payroll audit program can help verify employee wages, hours worked and payroll deductions. It also helps to ensure accurate tax and other government withholding requirements have been met. The program generally consists of manual and computerized tests that examine the accuracy of payroll information, processes and procedures.
Payroll auditing includes a number of steps. The first step is to review the existing payroll system. This includes questioning key personnel and making sure the payroll records are up-to-date and easy to obtain. The review should also include checking for the existence of sound internal control procedures and determining whether proper authorization is given for payroll changes, such as terminations and pay increases.
The second step involves conducting analytical reviews. These are detailed reviews of the payroll data that identify any issues or discrepancies. The reviews can be conducted both manually and using computerized methods.
The third step is to conduct system processes and reviews. This includes examining payroll transactions to ensure they are accurate and complete, as well as making sure payroll calculations are accurate. Regularly scheduled system processes and reviews can detect errors and can provide an early warning of potential problems.
The fourth step is to perform field audit work. This involves interviewing employees, verifying the accuracy of payroll records, verifying payroll calculations and spot-checking for compliance with laws, regulations and company policies. The audit should include periodic checks for compliance with laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Employment Retirement Income Security Act.
The fifth step is to perform a post audit review. This entails comparing the payroll audit findings to the audit checklist and evaluates the effectiveness of the internal control system.
An effective payroll auditing system can ensure accurate and timely payments to employees and help maintain compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The process should be conducted periodically and in tandem with the internal control system. Internal auditors should also work in partnership with payroll personnel to ensure the system is up-to-date and that errors are properly documented and rectified.