Multi-angle sieve operating procedures

Procedure for Polygonal Sieving 1. Prior to the start of polygonal sieving, a survey should be made of both the material that is to be sieved as well as the machine to be used for the process. The mesh size of the mesh should be determined by the material, the particle size of the material and th......

Procedure for Polygonal Sieving

1. Prior to the start of polygonal sieving, a survey should be made of both the material that is to be sieved as well as the machine to be used for the process. The mesh size of the mesh should be determined by the material, the particle size of the material and the desired end product size.

2. The mesh should be placed over the sieving machine, making sure that it is evenly distributed and properly secured.

3. The material that is to be sieved is then placed into the machine, on top of the mesh.

4. The sieving machine should then be secured to ensure that it is stable and secure during the process.

5. The machine should then be turned on, and the material will then be sieved in a circular pattern. This type of sieving works best when the mesh is coarse enough so that the particles of material will slide through it instead of being stopped by it.

6. The sieving process should be monitored to ensure that the correct sieving motion is being maintained, and that the material is clearing the mesh in a consistent manner. If the movement of the material is not consistent, or if the particles are not clearing the mesh, the machine should be stopped and the issue should be addressed before the process is resumed.

7. When the material has been sieved to the desired particle size, the sieving machine should be turned off and the material should be removed from the machine. If a coarser end result is desired, the material can be passed through the same machine a second time, with a finer mesh.

8. After the material has been removed, the mesh should then be removed from the machine, and cleaned to ensure that the sieving process is efficient during the next run.

9. Any debris or material that may have fallen off of the material during the sieving process should be cleaned up, and the area should be checked for possible safety hazards.

10. Finally, the sieving machine should be inspected for any signs of mechanical damage, and any necessary repairs should be made before the machine is used again.

These steps make up the procedure for the polygonal sieving process. By following this procedure, manufacturers can ensure that the sieving process is effective, efficient and safe.

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