Selection of agricultural machinery bearings

Purchase of farm machinery bearings Farm machinery bearings are critical components of agricultural machinery. The bearing is a key part to guarantee the safety and working efficiency of agricultural machinery. In the absence of farm machinery bearings, agricultural machinery will not be able to ......

Purchase of farm machinery bearings

Farm machinery bearings are critical components of agricultural machinery. The bearing is a key part to guarantee the safety and working efficiency of agricultural machinery. In the absence of farm machinery bearings, agricultural machinery will not be able to work. Therefore, the purchase of agricultural machinery bearings has become an important part of agricultural machinery purchasing.

When purchasing farm machinery bearings, the most important thing is to understand the production and quality of the product. In the purchase of agricultural machinery bearing, manufacturers must require product manufacturers to provide the production license and relevant quality certificates, so as to ensure that the product meets the qualified standard of agricultural machinery bearing. Manufacturers should pay attention to the performance of farm machinery bearings in terms of bearing material, bearing accuracy, vibration, noise, fatigue and maintenance.

In terms of material, agricultural machinery bearings must be stainless steel or reinforced alloy steel. The material used must be checked for rust, defects and other hazards that affect the performance of the bearing. At the same time, the material used must be able to meet the requirements of long-term high temperature, corrosion, dust and vibration resistance.

In terms of bearing accuracy, the bearing should generally meet the requirements of GB/T4100.3-2006. The accuracy of agricultural machinery bearing includes ring precision and roller precision, the accuracy level of agricultural machinery bearing should meet the requirements of international standard, otherwise it may cause vibration and noise.

When it comes to vibration and noise, agricultural machinery bearings must meet the requirements of GB/T19001-2008.The vibration and noise requirements of agricultural machinery bearing should be lower than the national standard limit.

Fatigue life is a very important parameter to judge the quality of agricultural machinery bearings. The fatigue life of agricultural machinery bearings should not be less than 50,000h. The bearing seal should prevent dust, water and other debris from entering and corroding the bearing.

In addition, maintenance is also very important for agricultural machinery bearings. The bearing must be lubricated regularly to ensure the normal operation of the bearing and prolong the service life of the bearing.

When purchasing agricultural machinery bearings, manufacturers should pay attention to integrity, price, quality and delivery time when purchasing products from bearing manufacturers. The bearing manufacturer should provide detailed product information, such as price lists, technical parameters and product catalogs. All information should be accurate and comprehensive, so as to facilitate purchasing.

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