Metal Rolling Noise Control

Technology 269 1057 Oliver

Introduction The process of noise control in metal rolling has existed for some time, though it has gained importance only recently. The creation of increasingly complex products has seen the need for newer and more effective ways to control the noise associated with metal rolling and pressing. A......


The process of noise control in metal rolling has existed for some time, though it has gained importance only recently. The creation of increasingly complex products has seen the need for newer and more effective ways to control the noise associated with metal rolling and pressing. As production processes have become more efficient, and as competition for resources has increased, the ability to control noise has become even more important. Noise control measures in metal rolling processes can be achieved in a number of ways, ranging from physical noise dampening techniques, to increased training of personnel, to the adoption of new technologies.

Physical noise dampening techniques

Physical noise dampening techniques involve the use of physical elements to reduce the transmission of sound from one place to another. The most common dampening techniques include the installation of acoustic dampening panels, sound proofing insulation, and noise attenuating barriers. Acoustic dampening panels are made of a sound absorbent material such as foam rubber, and are designed to absorb noise without restricting the space being used. Soundproofing insulation is designed to block the passage of sound waves, and can be installed in walls and floors to prevent noise from entering or exiting the environment. Noise attenuating barriers are typically structures made of sound absorbing or sound deflecting materials, and are typically used near large sources of noise to reduce the noise levels entering the environment.

Personnel training

In addition to physical noise dampening techniques, metal rolling processes can also benefit from improved personnel training and use of advanced technologies. Improved personnel training can help to ensure that workers are more aware of the potential noise hazards associated with metal rolling processes, and that they adhere to safety protocols when operating metal rolling machines. This increased level of safety compliance can often be achieved by improved education, and through the use of advanced sound measuring equipment that can detect and monitor noise levels over an extended period of time. An increased level of personnel training can also lead to more effective maintenance of metal rolling machines, and can reduce the potential for machine breakdowns which can lead to increased noise levels.

Machine maintenance

The use of advanced machine protection systems can also lead to improvements in metal rolling processes and noise control. The use of protective covers and guards around metal rolling machines can reduce the amount of noise created by friction between the metal and the machine. Additionally, improved machine servicing and maintenance, as well as the use of environmental noise reduction systems, can lead to reduced noise levels in the metal rolling process.


The control of noise in metal rolling processes is an important concern for many industries. By understanding the different noise control options available, and by investing in physical noise dampening techniques, personnel training, and machine maintenance, metal rolling processes can become more efficient and cost effective.

By making noise control in metal rolling a top priority, businesses will not only be able to meet the demands of their customers, they will be able to protect their workers and create a healthier, quieter environment.

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