Engineering economics

Finance and Economics 3239 10/07/2023 1052 Ava

Introduction Engineering economics, also known as engineering economy, combines economic theory with engineering techniques. Its main purpose is to evaluate the economic impact of alternative courses of action on any given project. It deals with the economic appraisal of project investments and th......


Engineering economics, also known as engineering economy, combines economic theory with engineering techniques. Its main purpose is to evaluate the economic impact of alternative courses of action on any given project. It deals with the economic appraisal of project investments and their return on investment, and includes cost-benefit analysis, risk and decision-making processes centered on economic principles.

The fundamentals of engineering economics abide by the principle of time value for money, or TVM. TVM is the concept that a specific unit of money will have different values over time depending on interest rates and inflation. For example, one dollar today is worth more than one dollar in a year’s time due to inflation and interest, and vice versa.

In engineering economics, the philosophy is that money keeps its worth, but its value changes over time. Therefore, the goal is to compare a project’s value now to its value in the future, taking into account the fluctuating value of money.

Engineers use different approaches to engineering economics. In cost estimation methods, they analyze the cost of resources and materials as well as the cost of labor and associated expenses. This typically involves making estimations based on construction and installation costs, raw materials, and the scope of the project.

In economic analyses, engineers use a variety of methods to evaluate economic decision-making. This includes evaluating risk, cost-benefit analysis, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR). By evaluating the inherent risks and rewards, engineers are able to make more informed decisions.

In decision-making methods, engineers use quantitative methods such as decision trees and payback periods to compare potential options. They also use qualitative methods such as sensitivity analysis to explore ideas from different angles. Through these methods, engineers are able to determine the best solution for any given project to yield the highest return on investment.


Engineering economics is an important branch of engineering that provides engineers with the tools to analyze the economic impact of their decisions. It combines economic theory with engineering techniques, and uses methods such as cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, and decision-making, to identify the most beneficial project options. By looking at the changing value of money over time and making informed decisions relative to those economic variables, engineers can maximize the return on investment of any given project.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-10 1052 LuminousJade

Engineering Economics is a branch of economics which deals with the use of money and other things of value to analyze, compare and recommend projects and other investments. It is an important tool for evaluating the efficiency of investments in plant and equipment and in other expenses related to ......

Engineering Economics is a branch of economics which deals with the use of money and other things of value to analyze, compare and recommend projects and other investments. It is an important tool for evaluating the efficiency of investments in plant and equipment and in other expenses related to industrial production. Through the use of engineering economics, industries are able to make the most cost-effective decisions regarding investments in research and development, capital expenditures, and operating costs.

Engineering Economics consists of several key areas, including capital budgeting, project evaluation and portfolio analysis. Capital budgeting entails taking the costs involved in a project, such as the purchase of a new machine, its installation costs, additional labor costs or raw materials, and evaluating the returns or benefits. Projects can be evaluated using a variety of analytical techniques, including net present value, return on investment, payback period and internal rate of return. These techniques provide the projections of future gains based on current and future investments and can be used to make better business decisions.

Portfolio analysis evaluates the performance of an organization’s investments by diversifying the investment in many different areas for different time periods. It is often used to optimize the performance of an organization’s investments, such as in a capital budgeting program.

Engineering Economics is an important element of any business, and it is essential for firms to have professionals who understand the principles and use them to ensure that the organization’s investments are well managed. With the growing levels of specialization and complexity in business, understanding the principles of engineering economics is essential for successful management.

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