Dimensions, shapes, weights and allowable deviations of Baosteel's hot-rolled steel sheets and strips

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Introduction Hot-rolled steel sheet and strip are most commonly produced by the hot strip mill (HSM) process, which is a continuous process wherein the steel is heated, passed through the rolls, and cooled with the final product being a steel sheet or strip of desired thickness and size. Baostee......


Hot-rolled steel sheet and strip are most commonly produced by the hot strip mill (HSM) process, which is a continuous process wherein the steel is heated, passed through the rolls, and cooled with the final product being a steel sheet or strip of desired thickness and size. Baosteel is a leading Chinese steel producer that produces hot-rolled steel sheet and strip. Baosteel’s steel products have precise dimensions, shapes, and tolerances that must be met in order to meet customer specifications and expectations. This article will discuss the characteristics and requirements of Baosteel’s hot-rolled steel sheet and strip.


The dimensions of hot-rolled steel sheets and strips vary depending on the type of product being manufactured. Generally, the width of hot-rolled steel sheets and strips range from 700 mm to 1950 mm, and the thickness ranges from 1.5 mm to 25 mm. The maximum width for hot-rolled steel sheets is 2200 mm, and for strips, it is 1450 mm. In addition, the length of the sheet can range from 1400 mm to 3000 mm, whereas the length of a strip product can be from 1400 mm to 4550 mm.


Baosteel’s hot-rolled steel sheet and strip are available in a variety of shapes, including flat sheets, coils, strips, and plates. All of these shapes can be formed by passing the steel through the rolls of the HSM at different angles. The steel can also be cut, bent, and/or rolled into desired shapes prior to being cooled.


The weight of hot-rolled steel sheets and strips depends on the size of the product and the steel composition. Generally, the heavier the steel, the heavier the weight of the hot-rolled product. The weight of a hot-rolled steel sheet or strip is typically expressed in kilograms per square meter (kg/m2).


The tolerances for hot-rolled steel sheets and strips are based on the size of the product and the desired surface finish. For example, for hot-rolled steel sheets with a thickness of 1.5 mm to 3.0 mm and a width of 700 mm to 1950 mm, Baosteel allows for a tolerance of ±0.05 mm for the width and a tolerance of ±0.15 mm for the thickness. Similarly, for hot-rolled steel strips with a thickness range of 1.5 mm to 8.0 mm and a width range of 700 mm to 1450 mm, Baosteel allows a tolerance of ± 0.05 mm for the width and a tolerance of ±0.15 mm for the thickness.


Baosteel’s hot-rolled steel sheet and strip have precisely controlled dimensions, shapes, and tolerances that must be met in order to meet customer requirements and expectations. The dimensions, shapes, weights, and tolerances of hot-rolled steel sheets and strips that Baosteel produces vary depending on the type of product being manufactured. In addition, the tolerances for hot-rolled steel sheets and strips are based on the size of the product and the desired surface finish.

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