General terms for non-metallic mineral products

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Nonmetallic ores and minerals are substances that occur in nature and have no metallic elements in their composition. They are natural minerals and are mined in order to be processed, used and sold in various forms, such as powders, liquids, ores and minerals. Bauxite: Bauxite is an ore material,......

Nonmetallic ores and minerals are substances that occur in nature and have no metallic elements in their composition. They are natural minerals and are mined in order to be processed, used and sold in various forms, such as powders, liquids, ores and minerals.

Bauxite: Bauxite is an ore material, which is a mixture of hydrated aluminum oxide and iron oxide. It is mined from the Earths surface or from an underground ore mine and is used to make aluminum.

Clay: Clay is a mineral consisting of hydrated silicates of aluminum and iron. Clay particles are formed by the weathering of rocks containing aluminum, iron and other minerals. In addition to being used for pottery and manufacturing ceramics, clay is also used for industrial purposes, such as casting, as an insulating material and as a soil conditioner.

Diamonds: Diamonds are one of the worlds hardest substances and are composed of pure carbon. They occur in many different forms, including crystals, powder and gemstones, and are mined in a variety of places, such as Africa, Canada and Australia.

Felspar: Felspars are a group of minerals that are composed of silica, aluminum, and sodium. They are found in pegmatites, a type of igneous rock, and are important in the production of glass, ceramics and paint.

Garnet: Garnet is a group of minerals composed of iron, aluminum, magnesium and calcium. They occur in many different forms and are used in manufacturing abrasives, sandpaper and jewelry.

Granite: Granite is a silica-rich rock composed of quartz, mica and feldspar. It is used in construction, for flooring and countertops and as a dimension stone in the construction of buildings.

Gypsum: Gypsum is a mineral composed of hydrated calcium sulfate. It is mined from sedimentary deposits and is used in a variety of industrial applications, such as the production of drywall, Portland cement and agricultural lime.

Mica: Mica is a mineral composed of hydrous silicates of aluminum and other minerals. It is mined from deposits in many parts of the world, and is used in a variety of applications such as electrical insulation, electronic equipment, plastics and cosmetics.

Sand and Gravel: Sand and gravel are a mixture of lightweight particles found in nature. They are processed and sold in a variety of forms, such as industrial sand, gravel, landscaping sand, fill sand, rock grit and railroad ballast.

Talc: Talc is a mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate. It is mined from metamorphic rocks and is used in a variety of industrial products, such as paints, paper, pharmaceuticals, plastics and cosmetics.

Titanium: Titanium is a lightweight, strong, corrosion-resistant metal. It is mined from deposits in many parts of the world, and is used in many applications such as aerospace, defense, medical, industrial and consumer products.

Uranium: Uranium is a radioactive element. It is mined from deposits in many parts of the world, and is used to generate electricity and as a fuel for nuclear power plants.

Zeolites: Zeolites are porous minerals composed of hydrated silicate of aluminum and other elements. They are used in the water softening process, as well as in air pollution control and solid waste treatment processes.

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