plasma arc remelting

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Plasma Arc Re-melting Plasma arc remelting (PAR) is an adaptation of the common electric arc welding process that increases the quality of the melting process and of the resulting product. By using this advanced technique, metals can be melted and alloyed to a much higher purity than traditional ......

Plasma Arc Re-melting

Plasma arc remelting (PAR) is an adaptation of the common electric arc welding process that increases the quality of the melting process and of the resulting product. By using this advanced technique, metals can be melted and alloyed to a much higher purity than traditional melting and welding processes. PAR is often used during the production of aerospace parts and components, but the technique is useful in the production of a variety of steel, aluminum and alloy metals.

The plasma arc melting process involves the use of an electric arc between two electrodes, one of which is the part being melted or welded, and the other a tungsten electrode. The electric current is run through the arc, instantly heating the material to temperatures of up to 8000°C (14,000°F). Theelectric arc is contained inside of a water cooled chamber designed to limit the spread of any contaminants. The chamber also protects against any external sparks and gas emissions which could be hazardous and affect the quality of the melt or weld.

The molten metal is exposed to an arc of plasma which is created from the electric current in the arc. This arc lowers the level of impurities by increasing the temperature of the arc and allowing less time for oxides and other contaminants to form. The plasma arc is also much hotter than traditional welding, so it allows for much more efficient melting and mixing of materials in the welding process.

Plasma arc remelting is capable of achieving quality levels far surpassing any traditional weld. The process is also much faster, allowing for higher production rates. This increased speed can often result in lower manufacturing costs, even when accounting for the costs of the high quality materials needed for PAR.

The process is also much safer than other processes like oxyacetylene welding. There is no need to store or handle combustible materials which could be hazardous, and unlike oxyacetylene welding, PAR does not require the use of a hinged torch that leaves the operator vulnerable to sparks and other mishaps.

The plasma arc remelting process has become increasingly popular in the production of aerospace parts and components. By combining the increased safety, efficiency and quality that comes with the PAR process, manufacturers are able to save time and money while producing high quality parts and components. The process is also widely used in the manufacture of steel, aluminum and alloy metals. The technology is constantly being improved and refined to make PAR even more effective and efficient in the production of these materials.

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