OHSAS18000 standard

OHSAS 18000 OHSAS 18000 is a health and safety management system standard, issued in 1999 by the British Standard Institution (BSI) with an aim of promoting a safe and healthy working environment. This standard assists organizations in the development and management of their health and safety sys......

OHSAS 18000

OHSAS 18000 is a health and safety management system standard, issued in 1999 by the British Standard Institution (BSI) with an aim of promoting a safe and healthy working environment. This standard assists organizations in the development and management of their health and safety systems by providing a framework of requirements and guidelines.

When implemented effectively, OHSAS 18000 helps organizations meet their employer and legal responsibilities while protecting their employees from harm and injury. The standard is applicable to anywhere within an organization where people can be exposed to hazards and therefore recommends that health and safety should be addressed as part of an organization’s general management.

OHSAS 18000 can be used by organizations of any size or type, and can be implemented gradually over time. It consists of two main components: a management system and performance standards. To meet the requirements of the standard, an organization must demonstrate that it has established a management system, processes, and procedures which control health and safety risks.

The OHSAS 18000 management system includes six core elements:

1. Policy: The organization must have a health and safety policy statement that outlines its commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment.

2. Organization: The senior management at an organization must clearly define roles and responsibilities for health and safety among its staff, as well as provide training and resources for its health and safety initiatives.

3. Planning: The organization must identify, assess, and control potential health and safety hazards. It must also develop corrective and preventive action plans that allow it to review, monitor, and improve its performance.

4. Support: The organization must provide employees with the tools necessary to perform their jobs safely. This includes training, protective clothing, and appropriate equipment.

5. Operation: The organization must develop and implement processes and procedures that control and minimize the health and safety risks associated with its operations.

6. Monitoring and Review: The organization must develop processes to measure the effectiveness of its health and safety management system. It must also review and assess its performance on a regular basis.

OHSAS 18000’s performance standards outline particular requirements and guidelines which must be met before an organization can be certified as compliant with the standard. They cover topics such as risk assessment, accident prevention, legal compliance, and the use of personal protective equipment.

Implementing a health and safety system can be challenging, particularly for small and medium-sized organizations. However, there are numerous benefits to doing so, such as increased productivity, better working conditions, improved morale, and greater compliance with the law. Additionally, an organization that has adopted OHSAS 18000 and is certified as compliant can use this as a form of competitive advantage as potential customers may be more likely to choose such an organization.

In conclusion, OHSAS 18000 is an important standard for organizations to consider implementing. Although it can be a challenging process, it provides comprehensive guidance and brings many benefits, such as increased productivity, legal compliance and improved morale. Furthermore, certification can also provide a competitive edge in the marketplace.

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