The Protection Function of AC Main Motor and Its Troubleshooting Method

The Main Motor Protection and Troubleshooting Methods Main motors are an important component in any industrial setting and are necessary for many different processes and operations. The main motor must be protected from failure due to excessive temperature, overload, or other operating conditions......

The Main Motor Protection and Troubleshooting Methods

Main motors are an important component in any industrial setting and are necessary for many different processes and operations. The main motor must be protected from failure due to excessive temperature, overload, or other operating conditions. Well-thought-out protection systems can help prevent costly repairs and downtime.

In order to properly protect the main motor, it is important to understand the components and how they work together with the motor’s design. This article will explain the components of main motor protection and the troubleshooting methods used to prevent and fix a variety of common problems.


Main motor protection is a combination of various components, including switches, overload relays, thermistors, and other commercial motor protection devices. This combination of components ensures the motor is shielded against overload and overheating, protecting it from catastrophic damage and system failure.

Overload Relay

The overload relay is one of the most important components of motor protection systems. This device senses the load on the motor and shuts off the motor if it is approaching its rated horsepower. Overload relays are typically designed to have a wide range of settings to protect against occasional overloads, sudden increases in load, and long-term overloads.


Thermistors are another important component of motor protection systems. This temperature sensor device is typically installed near the main motor and monitors the ambient temperature surrounding the motor. If the temperature reaches a certain level, thermistors will shut off the motor, protecting it from overheating.

Other Commercial Motor Protection Devices

Other commercial motor protection devices, such as contactors, circuit breakers, voltage relays, and overcurrent relays, can also be used. These devices are designed to provide additional protection for the main motor, blocking power to the motor if the load reaches a specific level.


Main motor protection systems are designed to protect the motor and prevent damage. However, if a problem arises, it must be quickly identified and corrected. Common problems include the motor running too hot, the overload relay tripping regularly, and current spikes.

If the motor is running hot, the cause could be a number of things. It is important to first verify that all components are correctly wired and that all connections are free of corrosion. If the connection is incorrect or corroded, it should be replaced. If this is not the issue, the thermistor may be the culprit and should be replaced.

If the overload relay is tripping regularly, it could be an indication of a long-term overload or a sudden surge in power. If the former is the case, the overload relay should be adjusted or replaced. If this is not the case, then connections should be inspected to ensure they are in good working order.

When it comes to current spikes, it is important to check all wiring to ensure proper connections. Additionally, all components of the system should be inspected for any defects. If none are found, then the current source should be identified, and the components connected to it should be checked for any signs of damage.


Main motor protection is essential for any industrial setting. The protection systems are designed to prevent costly repairs and downtime. However, if a problem does arise, it is important to quickly identify and fix the issue. The components of this protection system include overload relays, thermistors, and other commercial motor protection devices. Additionally, understanding how to troubleshoot any potential trouble will help to maintain the main motor and keep it running reliably.

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