Bilateral contract

Double Service Contract This Double Service Contract (“Contract”) is entered into by and between [Name], hereinafter referred to as “Provider” and [Name], hereinafter referred to as “Client” on [date]. Responsibilities of Provider The Provider is responsible for providing the following s......

Double Service Contract

This Double Service Contract (“Contract”) is entered into by and between [Name], hereinafter referred to as “Provider” and [Name], hereinafter referred to as “Client” on [date].

Responsibilities of Provider

The Provider is responsible for providing the following services to the Client:

1. Designing and developing a website for the Client

2. Writing and editing content for the new website

3. Assisting the Client to set up and configure hosting services for the new website

The Provider shall ensure that all services are provided in a timely and reliable manner. The Provider will make every reasonable effort to meet any performance and delivery schedules incurred in this agreement.

Responsibilities of Client

The Client is responsible for the following tasks:

1. Providing the Provider with any materials needed to complete the project

2. Providing the Provider with timely feedback on progress and approval of all deliverables

3. Fulfilling any tasks necessary to transfer hosting services to the Provider and ensuring the safe, secure and timely delivery of the new website and content


The Client shall pay the Provider a fee of [amount] upon completion of the services. The Provider shall provide an itemized bill to the Client for services rendered and payment shall be made within [time period] days of the completion of services.


The term of this contract shall begin on [date] and shall end on [date] unless otherwise extended by mutual agreement of both parties.


Either party may terminate this contract with 5 days’ advance written notification to the other party. Upon termination, all fees received by the Provider shall be returned to the Client and the Provider shall return all materials or content provided to the Client.

Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of [governing state].


By signing below, both parties acknowledge that all terms discussed herein are mutually agreed upon and shall be binding upon both parties.

Signature of Provider ________________________________

Signature of Client _________________________________

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