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Personality In Organizations The influence of personality in the workplace cannot be underestimated. Understanding how individuals interact with each other and the tasks they are required to carry out is key to creating an effective and successful work environment. It is widely accepted that pers......

Personality In Organizations

The influence of personality in the workplace cannot be underestimated. Understanding how individuals interact with each other and the tasks they are required to carry out is key to creating an effective and successful work environment. It is widely accepted that personality is linked to job performance and can be a factor in determining how successful individuals are. Personality can also be seen to have an effect on team dynamics and communication within an organization.

One of the primary attributes of personality that is considered to be especially powerful within the organization is the need for power. Need for power is the desire to have control over others and situations. Those with a strong need for power may seek out leadership roles or strive to establish themselves as authoritative individuals within the work environment. By having a greater degree of control over decision making and operations, their need for power is fulfilled.

Personality is also linked to proactivity. Proactivity is the tendency for individuals to take initiative to resolve a problem or pursue opportunities before they are instructed to do so by a superior. This willingness to take things into their own hands can be an extremely beneficial trait in an organization, as it allows an individual to identify and solve potential problems before they become too significant.

Certain personality traits can be especially beneficial to organization functioning, such as extraversion. Extraversion is defined as the ability to both receive and provide. Those who are extraverted are more likely to actively seek out information and opinion from their coworkers, having highly developed interpersonal skills. This allows them to be more adept at working within the structure of the organization and solving the challenges they may face.

People also differ in their levels of agreeableness. Those who display high levels of agreeableness are believed to have a greater capacity for relationships and cooperation. As such, they tend to display high levels of cooperation with others, displaying a willingness to work in teams and understanding the importance of teamwork.

Personality also has an effect on mental and physical well-being. Those who display higher levels of neuroticism are more likely to experience negative work outcomes such as depression, absenteeism, and decreased productivity due to their weaker ability to cope with stress. Similarly, individuals with high levels of openness to experience are believed to be more successful in reaching creative solutions and think outside the box.

In conclusion, personality can have a major impact on organization functioning and success. An understanding of the different personalities that make up an organization is essential in order to create an effective work environment. The traits discussed here can all have an effect on job performance, team dynamics, communication, and overall organizational success. By investing in the development and support of individuals with beneficial personality traits, organizations can ensure that their workforce is productive and successful.

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