Daqing Oilfield Total Export Metering Station

The Daqing Oil Field Total External Transportation Metering Station Located in the most prosperous area of the Daqing Oilfield in the northeast of China, the Daqing Oil Field Total External Transportation Metering Station (DOTEM) plays a critical role in the transportation of crude oil from the D......

The Daqing Oil Field Total External Transportation Metering Station

Located in the most prosperous area of the Daqing Oilfield in the northeast of China, the Daqing Oil Field Total External Transportation Metering Station (DOTEM) plays a critical role in the transportation of crude oil from the Daqing Oilfield. Established in 1972, DOTEM has assumed responsibility for the delivery of accurate measurements for crude oil shipments from the Daqing Oilfield. With advanced technology and high quality service, DOTEM is regarded as an industry leader in total external transportation metering.

The DOTEM serves as an important link in the supply chain of crude oil in the Daqing Oilfield. It is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of measurements and accurate accounting of delivery. DOTEM records are used for sales between the Daqing Oilfield and the downstream consumer, without which information can be distorted or errors made.

The DOTEM is equipped with three advanced metering systems – the cargo meter, the tank meter, and the flow meter. This equipment provides accurate readings so that cargo and tanks can be successfully delivered. The flow meters are used to measure flow rate, pressure, and temperature of the crude oil, the tank meter measures the amount of liquid in the tanks, and the cargo meter measures the weight and volume of the cargo. All of this data is recorded to ensure the accuracy of records and accountability of the shipment of crude oil.

To provide a smooth delivery process and meet the increasing demand, DOTEM also offers quality inspection services. The DOTEM quality control team inspects the crude oil cargo to ensure its quality. This is done to prevent any potential damage that may be caused by contamination or degradation of the crude oil. The team also checks the transportation conditions of the tanker trucks to ensure safe delivery of the cargo.

The DOTEM is committed to providing the highest service to its customers and always puts quality at the center of their operations. It is constantly monitoring their metering systems and its quality control team is highly experienced in detecting and preventing any potential problems. In addition, they have established a feedback system to improve its services and operations.

Through continuous improvement and advanced technology, the Daqing Oil Field Total External Transportation Metering Station has established itself as an industry leader in total external transportation metering. It has successfully provided accurate and reliable measurements of crude oil shipments from the Daqing Oilfield and provided quality inspection services to ensure safe and smooth delivery of crude oil. With their commitment to quality and service, the DOTEM is sure to continue to provide exceptional service for many years to come.

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