Three Cases of Faults of Fuel Injection Pump of Construction Machinery Diesel Engine

Case 1: Diesel Engine Fuel Injection Pump Failure The fuel injection pump is responsible for injecting fuel into the cylinders at the right time, in the right amount and in the right direction to ensure combustion. In the case of diesel engine fuel injection pump failure, the fuel injection quant......

Case 1: Diesel Engine Fuel Injection Pump Failure

The fuel injection pump is responsible for injecting fuel into the cylinders at the right time, in the right amount and in the right direction to ensure combustion. In the case of diesel engine fuel injection pump failure, the fuel injection quantity is reduced, resulting in incomplete combustion. Symptoms of incomplete combustion include poormileage, engine stalling and smoke emissions. Possible causes of failure of a diesel engine fuel injection pump include improper fuel tank installation, weak or loose fuel lines, fuel contamination, excessive oil viscosity, and faulty fuel injectors.

In order to accurately diagnose a fuel injection pump malfunction, a specialized scan tool needs to be used. The scan tool will provide necessary information to the technician, including fuel pressure, engine rpm, engine temperature, and other important performance variables. Once the cause of the fuel injection pump failure has been determined, the necessary repairs can be made in order to restore proper engine function.

In this case, the fuel injection pump was tested and found to be malfunctioning. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the fuel tank was improperly installed, resulting in over-filling and contamination of the fuel. The fuel lines were also loose due to improper installation, causing fuel leakage and pressure loss. The contaminated fuel eventually clogged the fuel injectors, reducing their performance and causing fuel injection pump failure.

To resolve this issue, the technician replaced the contaminated fuel with fresh fuel and installed new fuel lines and a fuel filter. The fuel injectors were inspected and replaced if necessary. After the repairs, the technician performed a complete system test to verify that the engine was running properly.

Case 2: Troubleshooting a Fuel Injection Pump

This case involves a diesel engine with a fuel injection pump that is not functioning properly. The symptoms of a malfunctioning fuel injection pump include poor fuel economy, hesitation and surging, lack of power, and excessive smoke emissions.

To diagnose the cause of the problem, the technician first conducts a visual examination of the fuel injection pump and its related components. This includes checking for damaged or worn parts, loose connectors, and any foreign matter in the fuel line. Once the external inspection is complete, the technician can then connect a specialized scan tool to the vehicle computer to read the fuel pressure, engine rpm, and engine temperature.

Based on the scan results, the technician can then make an informed determination of the cause of the fuel injection pump malfunction. In this case, the technician found that the fuel pressure was low, indicating possible fuel leakage or restriction. Upon inspection of the fuel lines, the technician discovered that the fuel lines were damaged and leaking, causing low fuel pressure. To correct the issue, the technician replaced the fuel lines and tightened all of the related connectors.

The technician then tested the system to ensure that the fuel injection pump was functioning properly. Upon completion of the repairs, the technician ran the vehicle and verified that the symptoms of the malfunction had been addressed.

Case 3: Faulty Fuel Injector

This case involves a diesel engine with a malfunctioning fuel injector. The symptoms of a faulty fuel injector include engine misfires, low power, and excessive exhaust smoke.

To diagnose the cause of the problem, the technician first inspects the fuel injector for visible damage. The technician then connects a specialized scan tool to the vehicle computer to read the engine rpm, fuel pressure, and fuel temperature. Based on the scan results, the technician can then make an informed determination of the cause of the malfunction.

In this case, the technician found that the fuel pressure was low, indicating a possible leak in the fuel system. Upon closer inspection, the technician found that the fuel injector was damaged and broken, resulting in a leak in the fuel system. To correct the issue, the technician replaced the malfunctioning fuel injector with a new one.

The technician then tested the system to ensure that the fuel injector was functioning properly. Upon completion of the repairs, the technician ran the vehicle and verified that the symptoms of the malfunction had been addressed.

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