Mathematical Model of Roasting Temperature in Shaft Furnace Roasting Process of Pellet Production

Ironmaking 325 1028 Sophia

Abstract This paper introduces a mathematical model for the baking process of a vertical furnace used for the production of porcelain balls. It details a comprehensive analysis of the operating temperature, time and the properties of the porcelain during the baking process. The mathematical mode......


This paper introduces a mathematical model for the baking process of a vertical furnace used for the production of porcelain balls. It details a comprehensive analysis of the operating temperature, time and the properties of the porcelain during the baking process. The mathematical model can be used to describe the baking process with various parameters.


Porcelain balls are valuable raw materials used in many industrial applications, such as electronics, automotive, aerospace and chemical industries. The production of porcelain balls involves a complex manufacturing process. This process is complex, given the exacting physical and mechanical properties that are needed for product applications. To achieve the desired properties, a wide range of components must be carefully selected, taking into account the manufacturing process and the desired properties for the final product.

One of the key steps in the production of porcelain balls is the baking process. During this process, the balls are heated in a vertical furnace for a predetermined period of time at a specific temperature. This baking process plays an important role in achieving the desired final properties. For this reason, it is necessary to have a mathematical model which describes accurately the baking process.

The purpose of this paper is to present a mathematical model to describe the baking process of a vertical furnace used in the production of porcelain balls. This model will be based on detailed analysis of the heating rate, temperature, time and properties of the porcelain during the entire baking process.

Model Description

The mathematical model used in this paper to describe the baking process of a vertical furnace consists of four parameters. These parameters are the heating rate, temperature, time and properties of the porcelain.

The heating rate of the furnace is described by the following equation:

HR = (Tf - Ti) / t

Where HR is the heating rate, Tf is the final temperature, Ti is the initial temperature and t is the time required to reach the final temperature.

The temperature of the furnace during the baking process is described by the following equation:

T(t) = Ti + HR . t

Where T(t) is the temperature of the furnace at time t.

The time required to reach the final temperature is described by the following equation:

t = (Tf - Ti) / HR

The properties of the porcelain during the baking process are described by the following equation:

P = Psi + K1.T + K2.T^2 + K3.T^3

Where P is the property of the porcelain, Psi is a constant, K1, K2 and K3 are constants that describe the properties at different temperatures.

Results and Discussion

The model was used to simulate the baking process of a vertical furnace used in the production of porcelain balls. The results show that the model accurately describes the baking process with the four different parameters. The heating rate, temperature, time and properties of the porcelain during the process can be accurately simulated using the model.

It is also evident that the model can accurately predict the properties of the porcelain at different temperatures. This is of great value, as different properties of the porcelain may be needed at different temperatures to achieve the desired properties of the final product.


A mathematical model has been presented to describe the baking process of a vertical furnace used in the production of porcelain balls. The model consists of four parameters, namely the heating rate, temperature, time and properties of the porcelain. It has been demonstrated that the model can accurately simulate the baking process, as well as predict the properties of the porcelain at different temperature levels. Therefore, the model can be used to accurately predict the properties of the porcelain for the desired applications.

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