Application of Electric Fuel Delivery Pump in Engine Oil Circuit Fault

Application of electric oil pump in engine oil circuit failure In view of the increasing complexity of modern automobiles and the gradual increase of automobile failure, the application of electric oil pump in the engine oil line has become more and more popular. Its application mainly includes t......

Application of electric oil pump in engine oil circuit failure

In view of the increasing complexity of modern automobiles and the gradual increase of automobile failure, the application of electric oil pump in the engine oil line has become more and more popular. Its application mainly includes the following aspects:

一、Application in fault detection

The use of the electric oil pump can make the fault detection of the engine oil circuit more accurate and efficient. This can be seen in the fault of the engine fuel system. When trying to locate the fault, the engineers can use this electric oil pump to pump oil from the oil tank to the engine, and then observe the pressure changes in the fuel pump, bypass valve and other places. When measuring, the oil pressure monitoring can be carried out, and the fault can be accurately located.

二、Application in oil circuit maintenance and modification

In the maintenance and modification of the engine oil circuit, the electric oil pump can also have a better use. In the blocked situation, this electric oil pump can be used to unblock the pipe, so that the oil can achieve a better flow. If the pipe needs to be adjusted, it can also adjust and maintain a better oil pressure.

三、Application in fuel system fault diagnosis

In the diagnosis of fuel system faults, electric oil pumps are also widely used. When inspecting fuel injectors and oil pumps, these electric oil pumps can provide accurate pressures, and then determine whether faults exist in the fuel system. Other engine parts can also be accurately inspected and tested by these electric oil pumps.

The above three points are the application of electric oil pumps in the fault detection, maintenance and modification of engine oil pipelines. The application of electric oil pumps in engine oil pipelines has not only increased the accuracy of fault detection and maintenance, but also improved the safety of automobiles. Therefore, the electric oil pump is a practical tool for modern cars.

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