
Finance and Economics 3239 07/07/2023 1050 Madison

Rise of Water Water can be the cause of both beauty and destruction. The rise of water is no different. Without control, the rise of water can cause dangerous flooding, which can threaten human health and the environment. In 2020, water levels around the world rose at alarming rate and scientists......

Rise of Water

Water can be the cause of both beauty and destruction. The rise of water is no different. Without control, the rise of water can cause dangerous flooding, which can threaten human health and the environment.

In 2020, water levels around the world rose at alarming rate and scientists link this dangerous trend to climate change. This is because greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane trap heat in the atmosphere and oceans, causing them to become warmer. As a result, the water expands and causes sea levels to rise faster than they did in the past.

Unfortunately, this trend is only going to get worse if people continue to pollute the air with more greenhouse gases. With global temperatures expected to increase by four degrees celsius by the end of the century, it is estimated that the sea levels will have advanced by 23 cm. This will lead to more frequent flooding and storm surges in coastal cities, as well as sea water intrusion into rivers and other freshwater sources.

Despite this, there are ways to adjust to the rise of water and protect against flooding. For example, communities can build sea walls to keep waves away from their shores, or build flood-resistant houses that can withstand rising water levels. In addition, governments should plan ahead for these changes, investing in flood-resistant infrastructure that can adapt to rising water levels.

In conclusion, the rise of water is a very real and serious issue, and one that requires urgent attention from both the public and private sector. If left unchecked, the consequences could be devastating to both human health and the environment. However, with the right investments in infrastructure, planning and conservation, communities can adapt and adjust to the changes in the world’s ocean levels.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-07 1050 Seraphina

Global warming has had an effect on water levels all over the world. As temperatures rise and glaciers melt, the amount of water held in the atmosphere is increasing. This has caused global sea levels to rise over the past few decades. The situation is especially acute in small island nations, wh......

Global warming has had an effect on water levels all over the world. As temperatures rise and glaciers melt, the amount of water held in the atmosphere is increasing. This has caused global sea levels to rise over the past few decades.

The situation is especially acute in small island nations, where rising sea levels threaten their existence. Many of these islands are already beginning to feel the effects of global warming-related sea level rise, as beach erosion and flooding become more common.

The impact of sea level rise isnt limited to island nations. Coastal communities all over the world are threatened by rising sea levels and resultant flooding - as coastal cities become more prone to flooding, the amount of land available for settlement decreases.

One of the ways we can combat the effects of global warming is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. This will help to reduce the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere, slowing down the melting of glaciers and reducing the amount of water held in the atmosphere.

At the same time, we need to look for ways to adapt to rising sea levels. Building higher sea walls and revetments in coastal areas, as well as constructing stronger and more flood-resistant homes and buildings, are two ways we can better prepare for rising sea levels. In addition, properly managing land use in coastal areas can help to reduce some of the effects of flooding.

Ultimately, however, we cannot ignore the effects of global warming and rising sea levels. If we want to protect our coastal communities and the worlds island nations, we must act now to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and begin to adapt to the new reality of a rising sea.

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