Forging technology: maintenance of forging dies

forging 286 1054 Oliver

Maintenance of Forging Mould Forging is a process of forming and shaping metal parts by hammering, pressing or rolling. The forging mould is a tool used in the forging process. If it is not maintained properly and regularly, the performance of the mould will be greatly reduced, and even crack or ......

Maintenance of Forging Mould

Forging is a process of forming and shaping metal parts by hammering, pressing or rolling. The forging mould is a tool used in the forging process. If it is not maintained properly and regularly, the performance of the mould will be greatly reduced, and even crack or fracture. The following are the key maintenance points for forging moulds:

1. Clean and lubricate the forging mould.

The forging mould needs to be cleaned regularly, and all dirt and debris must be removed. After cleaning, the mold surface should be coated with lubricating oil to prevent oxidation.

2. Thermal control of the forging mould.

When the forging mould is used for too long, the surface of the mould will become overheated and easily cracked. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the forging mould temperature under control, and the heat dissipation of the mould should be ensured.

3. Check the forging mould regularly.

It is necessary to frequently check the forging mould for iron chips and other debris. If found any iron chips and other debris, the forging mould should be immediately cleaned and inspected for damage.

4. Maintain the forging mould accurately.

The accuracy of the forging mould should be kept up, and any deformation of the forging mould should be corrected in time. The original precision forging mould should also be tested regularly in order to prevent any inaccurate information.

5. Avoid long-term loading of the forging mould.

When the forging mould is not used, it should be unloaded in time. If it is necessary to keep the forging mould loaded for later use, the temperature of the forging mould should be lowered in time to prevent the mould from cracking due to long-term loading.

In summary, proper maintenance and maintenance of the forging mould can effectively prolong the service life of the forging mould, and can also ensure the accuracy of the forging product. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance of the forging mould, in order to ensure the quality of its product.

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