Mashan EDM Technology in Die Manufacturing (Part 1)

MUSASHI Electric Spark Machining Technology Musashi Electric Spark Machining (MESM) is an innovative technology used in the manufacture of high-precision plastic injection molds. The technology combines a powerful electric spark with a highly sophisticated machining technique to create high preci......

MUSASHI Electric Spark Machining Technology

Musashi Electric Spark Machining (MESM) is an innovative technology used in the manufacture of high-precision plastic injection molds. The technology combines a powerful electric spark with a highly sophisticated machining technique to create high precision plastic parts with very tight tolerances. The process has become increasingly popular in recent years due to a number of advantages it offers over other mold-making techniques.

MESM involves the use of an electric arc, or spark, to melt and blow away very small pieces of plastic material and to create a tiny hole or passage in the piece being worked on. The spark is directed through a nozzle and onto the plastic, creating a heat and pressure that melts the material in the immediate area being worked on. A small air jet is then used to blow away the molten material, producing an accurately machined passage.

The process is highly accurate and repeatable, with tolerances of 0.001 mm or less being achievable. This level of accuracy is necessary for applications like medical equipment, where fine details and intricate shapes must be reproduced in plastic components.

Because the entire process is highly automated and the spark does not rely on pressure or friction, it is much more consistent than traditional machining. It also eliminates the need for costly manual interventions, and it can be used on a wide range of materials including delicate or heat-sensitive plastics.

The process is also faster than traditional machining, and it can be used on much smaller pieces than can be machined with conventional tools. This makes it suitable for use in high-volume, short-run production, or for applications where a high degree of accuracy and precision is needed.

The process is environmentally friendly, producing no toxic emissions, and it reduces manufacturing times and costs due to its fast and consistent operation. All in all, MESM is an efficient and cost-effective way to create high quality plastic injection molds with precision tolerances. It is an ideal way to produce components and moldings for medical and other industries requiring extremely precise components.

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