Maintenance of mechanical parts and auxiliary devices of CNC machine tools

mechanical skills 530 1026 Sophia

Maintenance and Maintenance of Mechanical Part and Auxiliary Device of CNC Machine Tool Abstract Modern CNC machine tool is an advanced automation equipment composed of many parts. In order to ensure its normal operation, it is necessary to do a good job in maintenance and maintenance. The maint......

Maintenance and Maintenance of Mechanical Part and Auxiliary Device of CNC Machine Tool


Modern CNC machine tool is an advanced automation equipment composed of many parts. In order to ensure its normal operation, it is necessary to do a good job in maintenance and maintenance. The maintenance of the CNC machine tool mainly includes preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance. Prevention is in order to ensure the machine at any time in the best condition, Take a variety of measures, such as lubricant oil replacement, replacement of aging parts, etc., to reduce the machine failure rate, improve efficiency and accuracy. Corrective maintenance is mainly for the repair and maintenance of machine failure, so as to restore the normal working condition and maintain the original accuracy of the machine.

1 Introduction

Nowadays, CNC machine tools are widely used in production and processing. CNC machine tools can solve problems that manual operations can not achieve in processing, and can achieve high precision and improve the grade of finished products. However, due to inevitably operating vibration, structural material characteristics, and temperature and humidity, etc., it is difficult for CNC machine tools to keep the accuracy for a long time. In order to ensure the normal operation of the CNC machining center and the stability of its accuracy, regular preventive maintenance and maintenance of the machine are one of the conditions.

2 Maintenance of CNC machine

2.1 Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is in order to ensure the mechanical and electronic parts of the machine to keep optimal operating conditions, in order to reduce the machine failure rate and its processing accuracy, in accordance with certain regulations or periodically to do a variety of maintenance, cleaning and replacement of consumable parts, ensure the normal operation of the machine.

(1) Cleaning the scraper regularly: It is necessary to clean the scraping parts of the CNC machine tool and the parts on the surface. The effect of cleaning machine tools is to remove dust, foreign objects, and oil stains on machine tools and work tables, so as to maintain the cleanliness and accuracy of machine tools.

(2) Thickening and replacement of lubricant oil periodically: Lubrication system is one of the important measures to improve the working performance of CNC machine. Lubricant is prone to aging, volatilization and pollution during use, which will cause deterioration of lubrication properties and increase abrasion. Therefore, it is necessary to detect and adjust the level of lubricant oil according to the requirements of the specification before use, and regularly add new lubricating oil according to the instrument model.

(3) Replacement of aging parts periodically: Some important parts of CNC machine are aging or damaged due to long-term work. For example, the rigidity of ball screws decreases, the accuracy of electrical components decreases, and the service life of servo motors decreases. Therefore, the aging parts should be replaced in time to ensure the accuracy of CNC machine parts, and the stability of the machine accuracy.

2.2 Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance is to find out the cause of the fault, make correct repairs, and restore the normal operation of the machine. Generally, corrective maintenance mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly mainly

mainly for fault diagnosis, inspection and repair. According to the fault type, fault location and fault form, corresponding fault diagnosis, inspection and repair measures are taken.

3 Conclusion

CNC machine is an advanced automation equipment in modern technology. Regular maintenance and maintenance of CNC machine is an important factor to ensure its efficiency and accuracy. In daily use, preventive maintenance and maintenance methods should be taken regularly to ensure its optimal working condition, reduce failure rate, and improve cost performance. In the use of correctional maintenance, the corresponding fault diagnosis and inspection and repair measures should be taken according to different faults.

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