Identification method of overheating and overburning of alloy steel in forging

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The Differentiation Method of Overheating and Overburning In Forging Alloy Steel Alloy steel is a kind of metal material which is widely used in many areas, such as aerospace, automobile, war industry and engineering.In the forging process of alloy steel, it is the process of hot forming and heat......

The Differentiation Method of Overheating and Overburning In Forging Alloy Steel

Alloy steel is a kind of metal material which is widely used in many areas, such as aerospace, automobile, war industry and engineering.In the forging process of alloy steel, it is the process of hot forming and heating of metal processing, but it is easy to cause the problem of overheating and overburning if it is not processed properly.So, how to identify the overheating and overburning phenomenon in the forging of alloy steel has become an important topic for metallurgists and forging technicians.

Physical indicators are one of the main methods to identify overheating and overburning in the forging process of alloy steel. After the alloy steel forging is completed, there will be certain physical changes. For example, the surface thermal oxidation layer of the part will increase abnormally, the color will be darker and darker, there will be local black spots, uneven gloss and other phenomena, which can be used as a physical indicator to determine the degree of overheating of alloy steel.

Non-destructive testing methods are also part of the common identification methods for overheating and overburning in forged alloy steel. X-ray and ultrasonic tests are common non-destructive methods used in industry. Ultrasonic tests can detect internal and external defects in the drawing and parts, while x-rays can check the condition and internal structure of the part to judge its external and internal quality.It can detect the presence of internal cracks, cracks or cavitation, and at the same time, it can also be used to estimate the degree of overheating of the part and its internal structure, which can provide essential information for judging the quality of the part.

The macro-observation method is also one of the common identification methods for overheating and overburning in alloy steel forging process. Through macro observation and analysis, we can usually observe the surface peeling, golden yellow, purple, white and even plastic deformation phenomenon in the forged alloy steel components, and these can provide important information for identification of overheating and overburning, then we can do the corresponding processing accordingly.

In addition, mechanical properties are also an important method for identifying the degree of overheating and overburning in forged alloy steel parts. The mechanical properties evaluation can be done through the mechanical property testing laboratory. Under the condition that the steel material remains unchanged, the performance parameters of the most common tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and explosion energy of the alloy steel can be obtained first. Then, by comparing the obtained test data with the expected results, the effect of overheating and overburning in the alloy steel forging can be identified and evaluated, so as to give some judgment conclusions, so that the subsequent process can be improved accordingly.

In short, the identification of overheating and overburning in the forging of alloy steel is an important topic in the industry. Physical indicators, non-destructive testing, macro observation and mechanical properties are the most common methods for identification,which can provide effective and reliable solutions for the problem of overheating and overburning in alloy steel forging process.  

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