Research on Simulation Technology and Internal Quality Control of Large Forgings

forging 286 1052 Abigail

Research on Simulation Technology and Internal Quality Control of Large Forge Abstract Forging technology is a kind of processing technology with high efficiency, good reliability and wide application, and large forgings have the characteristics of large size, complex shape, high precision and h......

Research on Simulation Technology and Internal Quality Control of Large Forge


Forging technology is a kind of processing technology with high efficiency, good reliability and wide application, and large forgings have the characteristics of large size, complex shape, high precision and high strength. Therefore, the internal quality control of large forgings is particularly important. This paper focuses on the simulation technology and internal quality control of large forgings by studying the existing forging simulation and internal quality control methods and analyzing simulation technology and internal defects in large forging processes. The main content of this paper is to analyze the selection of materials and parameters of large forging simulation, the analysis of the internal defects in the forging process, the inspection methods and quality control in the internal quality control. The purpose of the study is to improve the production efficiency and improve the quality of the product.

Key words: Forging; Simulation technology; Internal quality control

1. Introduction

As a kind of processing technology with high efficiency, good reliability and wide application, forging technology is one of the earliest comprehensive processing methods and is widely used in various industries. Large forgings are a kind of forging products, which are characterized by large size, complex shape, high precision and high strength. Therefore, the research, development and quality control of large forgings are particularly important, and the internal quality control of large forgings is the basis for ensuring the quality of the product.

Forging simulation technology, as an important part of forging process, plays an irreplaceable role in improving production efficiency and meeting the requirement of product quality. In the technology of large forgings, simulation technology and internal quality control have a very important role in improving production quality and efficiency, but due to the complexity of the technology and the limitations of existing technology, research on the simulation technology and internal quality control of large forgings is insufficient.

2. Simulation Technology for Large Forgings

In the research of large forging simulation, first of all, we need to understand the process and characteristics of forging, which includes the selection of materials and parameters suitable for large forging simulation. At present, the materials used in large forging simulation mainly include metals such as steel, aluminum, nickel and titanium, while the parameters include die design, material properties, forming parameters and design parameters.

In terms of die design, a reasonable die design is the foundation of forging simulation. Firstly, the simulation analysis needs to be carried out at the beginning of the choice of the die. It needs to be considered that the maximum deformation degree that can be reached by the die and the material should be able to meet the shape and size requirements requested by the product. Secondly, the rational distribution of the force points of the die should be considered, so that the shape of the product can be formed smoothly, and the force flow line of the die should be optimized according to the product. Thirdly, the hardness, strength and wear resistance of the die material should be considered. At the same time, the contact layers of the die should be considered to determine the casting process of the die.

In terms of material properties, the material should be selected according to the product requirements, the material tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and so on. Material selection is an important part of large forging simulation, and it has a great influence on the accuracy, precision and quality of the forging.

The forming parameters mainly include the maximum deformation force, deformation speed, blow speed and number. The reasonable setting of forming parameters is also an important factor for the success of forging simulation, and the selection of forming parameters makes the simulation closer to the actual forging process.

Design parameters are the last step of forging simulation. First of all, the parameters that need to be simulated need to be determined according to the product requirements. Second, the CAD design software needs to be selected according to the product and the material. In addition, appropriate parameters also need to be set according to the requirements of the product.

3. Analysis of Internal Defects in Large Forging Process

In the process of large forgings, whether it is before forming or after forming, the occurrence of internal defects is the main factor affecting product quality. The most common internal defects in the forging process are shrinkage porosity, gas porosity, segregation, segregation defect, intergranular porosity and directional hardening.

Shrinkage porosity refers to the holes formed in the cross section of the forging due to the shrinkage of metal during solidification. Gas porosity is also an internal defect caused by the formation of bubbles during solidification. The segregation is mainly caused by the uneven distribution of alloy elements in the forging blank, resulting in a situation where some places are excessively concentrated and some are seriously inadequate. Intergranular porosity is mainly caused by the segregation between grains and other causes, resulting in excess bubbles at the grain boundary. Directional hardening is mainly caused by the effect of temperature on the different materials of the forging blank.

4. Internal Quality Control

Internal quality control of large forgings mainly includes two aspects, one is inspection method and the other is quality control method.

In terms of inspection method, non-destructive inspection is the most commonly used inspection method, including ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing and liquid penetrant testing. Non-destructive inspection can detect the internal defects of large forging products.

In terms of quality control, statistical process control (SPC) is an important method for the quality control of large forging products. SPC is mainly used to identify, control and test the characteristics of the product through statistical analysis, so as to reduce the quality defects of the product and improve the quality of the product.


In summary, the simulation technology and internal quality control of large forgings has a key position in the production of large forgings. Based on the understanding of the simulation technology selection of large forgings, the formation process and internal defects of large forgings, and the internal quality control of large forgings, a series of measures have been put forward to improve and control the quality of large forgings.

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