JB/T 10298-2001 Natural gas compressors for automobile filling stations

,题目随便 Compression Technology for Natural Gas in Automobile Gas Stations Compression technology is an important part of the natural gas industry, enabling the safe transport of natural gas from production sites to remote storage and consumption locations. Automobile gas stations are one of the......


Compression Technology for Natural Gas in Automobile Gas Stations

Compression technology is an important part of the natural gas industry, enabling the safe transport of natural gas from production sites to remote storage and consumption locations. Automobile gas stations are one of the key consumption points for natural gas and compression technology is a vital component, ensuring the quality and safety of the dispensing process. The Chinese Standard, GB/T 10298-2001, ‘Natural Gas Compressors for Automobile Refueling Stations’, specifies the manufacturing, testing, inspection and installation requirements for natural gas compressors for use in automobile refueling stations.

This Standard applies to the manufacture, testing, inspection and installation of natural gas compressors for use in automobile refueling stations. The standard covers two types of compressors; reciprocating compressors and screw compressors. Each of these types of compressors has its own specific manufacturing, testing, inspection and installation requirements, which are detailed in the Standard.

The standard draws on IEC International Standards to specify key requirements, including; performance requirements, testing and inspection procedures, pressure and temperature limits, site installation requirements and maintenance guidelines. For reciprocating compressors, the IEC Standard 60519-2 is considered as the reference standard. Similarly, for screw compressors, the IEC Standard 61619-1 is used as the reference.

Design and manufacturing of natural gas compressors for automobile refueling stations should be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of IEC 61619-1 for screw compressors, or IEC 60519-2 for reciprocating compressors. The design and manufacture should ensure that highly reliable and efficient operation of the compressor, with minimal noise.

Testing of the compressors requires the execution of three stage tests; static test, dynamic test and field tests. The static test consists of a comprehensive series of tests including measurements of the cylinder bore and stroke, rotational power and general accuracy of the equipment. The dynamic test assesses the performance of the compressor at operating temperatures, with particular focus on the performance of the suction and discharge balancing of the compressor, as well as its insulation levels. Lastly the field test assesses the running performance of the compressor under actual operating conditions.

Installation of natural gas compressors for automobile refueling stations should be undertaken be qualified personnel in accordance with the Standard. Critical aspects to consider during the installation of compressors include the following; electrical connections, piping connections, safety warnings and safety equipment.

Regular inspections and maintenance of natural gas compressors are also essential in order to assess the performance, condition and safety of the compressor. As specified by the Standard, all compressors should be inspected on a routine basis and safety equipment should be checked regularly.

GB/T 10298-2001 provides an exhaustive set of requirements for the manufacture, testing, inspection and installation of natural gas compressors for automobile refueling stations. Detailed in the Standard is an elaborate set of requirements that ensure the quality, performance and safety of compressors for automobile gas stations, providing users with a reliable and efficient source of natural gas.

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