Smelting flue gas dust collection

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Smelting flue gas dust collection At present, there are many environmental protection problems in China. An important pollution in the production of enterprises is industrial flue gas dust. In order to reduce environmental pollution, the common measures for flue gas dust collection and treatment ......

Smelting flue gas dust collection

At present, there are many environmental protection problems in China. An important pollution in the production of enterprises is industrial flue gas dust. In order to reduce environmental pollution, the common measures for flue gas dust collection and treatment are bag filter, spray tower, desulfurization tower, electric dust collector, activated carbon adsorption, etc. The energy consumption of smelting dust removal is inevitable, but there are effective measures to reduce energy consumption. This passage mainly talks about dust collection of smelting flue gas.

Smelting process, the release of flue gas, dust collection is a measure to reduce environmental pollution, but also to protect workers from dust unhealthy body injury. According to the characteristics of different flue gas, the dust collection technology to control dust concentration in the dust collection zone can be divided into dry dust collection, wet dust collection and combined dust collection.

The effective dust collection rate of dry dust collection is more than 95%, and the energy consumption is lower than that of wet dust collection. The commonly used dry dust collectors in metallurgical enterprises are: gravity dust collector, sedimentation dust collector, electrostatic precipitator, cyclone dust collector, bag filter, etc. Among them, electrostatic precipitator is the most advanced and efficient dust collection device, its dust removal efficiency is high and its energy consumption is also very low.

In wet dust collection, the dust laden air is sprayed with large amount of water into a dust collection room, smoke and dust are adsorbed by large amount of water droplets and trapped by large water droplets, so as to realize the purpose of pollutant purification. Therefore, this kind of dust removal technology is suitable for the smoke and dust containing dioxins and other hazardous materials, such as chlor-alkali plants, etc. It is a kind of effective wet dust collection method with large water droplet behavior.

Combined dust removal is the combination of wet dust collection and dry dust collection. According to the characteristics of different flue gas, the advantages of dry dust collection and wet dust collection are integrated to form a dust collection device with good dust removal effect and low energy consumption. Therefore, the combined dust collection technology is the ideal dust collection technology.

In the dust removal system of metallurgical enterprises, it is possible to use multi-level dust removal treatment by combining different dust collection technologies such as dry dust collection, wet dust collection and combined dust collection, thus significantly reducing the dust content and improving air quality.

In order to reduce the energy consumption of metallurgical dust removal system, the dust collection technology used in the system can be improved. For example, improving the efficiency of bag dust collector, replacing electrostatic precipitator with improved efficiency dry dust collector and improving the requirement of dust removal rate of wet dust collector. Finally, when temperature, humidity and other parameters are not completely suitable, the air quantity of air extraction should be adjusted properly.

In summary, smelting flue gas dust collection is a measure to reduce environmental pollution and protect workers from dust unhealthy body damage. Different dust collection technologies such as dry dust collection, wet dust collection and combined dust collection can be used in combination according to the characteristics of different flue gas, which can significantly reduce the dust content and improve air quality. At the same time, we should also pay attention to improving the efficiency of dust collection technology and adjusting air volume in order to reduce energy consumption of dust collection of smelting flue gas.

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