Dalian Machinery Industry Association

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Introduction Dalian Machinery Industry Association (DMIA) is a non-profit organization established in 2008 to advance the development of machinery industry in Dalian, China. It is a member of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and has the mission of standardising, popularising and inn......


Dalian Machinery Industry Association (DMIA) is a non-profit organization established in 2008 to advance the development of machinery industry in Dalian, China. It is a member of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and has the mission of standardising, popularising and innovating the machinery industry of Dalian city.


DMIA aims to promote the technical level and economic benefits of the machinery industry of Dalian, China. It works closely with government and enterprises to realise the economic target of turning Dalian into an important machinery industry base in China.

Objectives of DMIA include:

- Promoting the construction of production base and infrastructure to create a favourable environment for the machinery industry in Dalian city.

- Providing technical support and service to enterprises.

- Executing research and development, combining enterprises’ resources to promote competition capacities of enterprises in the machinery industry of Dalian city.

- Participating in the professional service of finance, investment, insurance and foreign trade.

- Assisting in the export of goods and services, implementing the strategy of ‘Going out’ of Dalian city nationals and enterprises.


As one of the oldest and most recognised institutions in the Dalian city machinery industry, DMIA has coordinated and supervised activities in the machinery industry. In addition to its objectives, DMIA is committed to:

- Establishing a platform to link the government and enterprises, and promote the sharing of information and resources.

- Organizing activities to transfer the latest technologies to enterprises.

- Widening markets and helping enterprises find new customers.

- Advocating the governmental policies in the machinery industry.

- Holding exhibitions, ceremonies and promotional campaigns relevant to the machinery industry.

- Gathering representatives of the enterprises to share experiences and insights in different industries.


Chensheng Zhang is the President of DMIA. Chensheng has more than decades of experiences in the machining industry. He has qualified expertise in the production, engineering and technical solution for a wide range of machinery. He is also familiar with the governmental policies related to the machinery industry. Chensheng is devoted to building and promoting the industry of Dalian to the international standard and level of development.


DMIA serves the machinery industry of Dalian and the greater country of China. Its set objectives, activities and leadership are in line with the industry standards and values. With the efforts of DMIA, the development of the machinery industry in Dalian, China is expected to increase in the future.

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