Thermal Efficiency of Converter and Its Improvement Method

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(关于和充电转炉的热效率及提高方法) Introduction A regenerative furnace is a type of industrial Reheating Furnace that uses thermal storage to increase the fuel efficiency. This type of furnace typically consists of three chambers: the hot chamber, the cold chamber, and the pre-heating chamber.......



A regenerative furnace is a type of industrial Reheating Furnace that uses thermal storage to increase the fuel efficiency. This type of furnace typically consists of three chambers: the hot chamber, the cold chamber, and the pre-heating chamber. Heat is transferred back and forth between the hot and the cold chambers and is used to pre-heat raw materials and regenerate fuel. During this process, hot air from the hot chamber is drawn into the cold chamber and cooled. The cooled air is then returned to the hot chamber as a source of fresh, pre-heated air.

This type of furnace is one of the few that has been generally recognized for its high thermal efficiency and low costs. However, the effectiveness of a regenerative furnace is dependent on several factors such as the design, including the location of the cold and hot chambers and the composition of the insulating materials. As such, it is important to understand the elements that can be adjusted to improve the thermal efficiency of a regenerative furnace.

Design Factors Affecting Thermal Efficiency of Regenerative Furnace

Insulation Material

The type of material used as insulation in a regenerative furnace has a huge impact on its efficacy. Insulating materials act as a barrier to contain the heat and prevent it from escaping, resulting in an increase in the overall temperature of the furnace. The type of insulating material used will determine how much heat can be retained. Generally, the more efficient the insulation material, the better the resource efficiency.

In most cases, asbestos and fiberglass insulation materials are used in regenerative furnace designs, although they represent some health and environmental concerns. As such, more eco-friendly materials such as calcium silicate boards are often preferred. Additionally, a regenerative furnace with a good design will have a thicker layer of insulation to increase its thermal efficiency.

Heat Exchange Efficiency

The efficiency of the heat exchange between the hot and cold chambers is another important factor that determines the efficiency of a regenerative furnace. Heat exchange efficiency is affected by several elements, including the contacting surfaces and air movements. For optimal functionality, it’s important to design a furnace that has a good air-flow pattern and well-known thermodynamic principles.

The design of the heat exchanger of a regenerative furnace should be optimized by using air-flow simulation software, which helps to customize the design dimensions and chamber volumes for the most efficient thermal performance. A good heat exchanger design will also ensure maximum combustion efficiency, as the heat produced by the furnace will be retained in the hot chamber and pre-heating chamber instead of being lost through air leakage or flue gas recirculation.

Pre-Heating Chamber

The pre-heating chamber is a crucial element of the regenerative furnace as it helps preserve the thermal energy. This chamber receives the cold air from the cold chamber and pre-heats it before it’s returned the to hot chamber. The efficiency of the pre-heating chamber can be improved by increasing the surface area of the chamber. The increased surface area ensures that more of the heat is retained and released more slowly, which improves the overall efficiency of the regenerative furnace.


A regenerative furnace is known for its high thermal efficiency, but only if it is designed and operated properly. To qualify as an efficient regenerative furnace, there are several design elements that should be taken into consideration, such as the type of insulating material, the heat exchange efficiency, and the design of the pre-heating chamber. Optimizing these aspects of the furnace and controlling the burning parameters can significantly increase its thermal efficiency, resulting in lower fuel costs and improved productivity.

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