The Role of Gas Recovery and Automatic Control for Coal Gas
In recent years, coal gas recovery has advanced the development of low-sulphur fuels and new energy sources. This paper examines the method of gas recovery from coal fields, the various devices used in the process, and the benefits associated with automatic controllers. It also discusses the importance of advanced technologies for capturing and converting coal gas, and their impact on the environment.
1. Introduction
Coal gasification is the process of extracting combustible gases from coal, usually in the form of methane, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. It is one of the most important pathways to the production of low-sulphur fuel and new energy sources. The coal gasification process relies on advanced techniques and technologies to capture, control and convert the released gas into useful products. As the demand for low-sulphur fuels and clean energy increases, the need for effective gas recovery and automatic control methods becomes ever more critical. This paper reviews the current understanding and technology of coal gas recovery and automatic controllers, with an aim to further progress the development of such systems.
2. Methods of Coal Gas Recovery
The most common method of gas recovery from coal fields is through the extraction of gas from the coal itself. The gas is released from the coal by drilling a borehole from the surface and pumping a gas-absorbing liquid into it. The gas is then captured from the liquid as it is pumped up back to the surface. This process is known as well stimulation.
Another common method of coal gas recovery is through the extraction of coal bed methane (CBM). CBM is released naturally in abundance along coal seams and is usually removed by deeply drilling vertical wells. As these wells are usually deep, they require expensive equipment that is not always feasible.
A third method of gas recovery is the use of advanced coal gasification technologies. These have the potential to convert coal into combustible gas, while still maintaining the coals original properties. Some of the technologies used in this manner include gasification by direct injection of pressurized air, thermal gasification, and chemical gasification.
3. Devices Used in Gas Recovery
In addition to the abovementioned methods, several other devices are also used in the process of gas recovery. These include pumps, pipes, valves, and other pieces of equipment that capture, control and convert the released gas into useful products. These include gas scrubbers and filters, which remove particulate matter from the gas, and catalysts, which increase the efficiency of the process.
Other devices and technologies used in coal gas recovery includes metering systems, which measure the flow of gas, and lighters, which ignite the released gas for combustion. Automatic control systems, such as PLCs and SCADA systems, are also used to monitor and control the process.
4. Benefits of Automatic Control
The use of automatic control systems offers several advantages in coal gas recovery. These include increased safety, improved process control, and lower operating costs.
The use of PLCs and SCADA systems allows for the automatic monitoring and control of the entire process, from drill site to end product. This enables operators to quickly identify and resolve any potential problems, ensuring proper operation and optimal results. Additionally, it reduces the need for manual intervention and allow operators to focus on other aspects of the operation.
Automatic control systems also provide protection and safety. Many advanced systems have safety features such as pressure and temperature settings, as well as alarm systems in the event of any unexpected changes. This helps to reduce the risk of accidents and protect workers from unnecessary danger.
Finally, automatic control systems also reduce operating costs. By providing advanced optimisation strategies, these systems can help to optimise the coal gas recovery process. This can lead to improved efficiency and cost savings.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have reviewed the current understanding and technology of coal gas recovery and automatic control. We have discussed the methods of gas recovery, the devices and technologies used in the process, and the benefits associated with automatic control. Advanced technologies and systems such as PLCs and SCADA systems have increased safety, improved process control, and reduced operating costs. As demand for low-sulphur fuels and clean energy increases, the research and development of such systems will become ever more important.