Observation of deformation twins

Metallographic map 1155 19/06/2023 1082 Sophia

Observations of Polymorphism in Crystals Crystallography is the study of the structure and behavior of crystals. Crystals are solids whose atoms, molecules or ions are arranged in an ordered pattern that repeats itself in three dimensions. This repeating pattern results from the laws of symmetry,......

Observations of Polymorphism in Crystals

Crystallography is the study of the structure and behavior of crystals. Crystals are solids whose atoms, molecules or ions are arranged in an ordered pattern that repeats itself in three dimensions. This repeating pattern results from the laws of symmetry, which dictate the way these particles interact with each other and how they arrange themselves in space. Crystallography is used to characterize crystals and study their properties. It also is used to explain how crystals deform when subjected to external forces.

One of the most fascinating aspects of crystals is the phenomenon of polymorphism. Polymorphism is the ability of a substance to exist in different crystalline forms, or “polymorphs”. Each polymorph of a substance has its own unique set of physical and chemical properties, which can differ significantly from one another.

Most typically, polymorphism is studied through observations of different crystals and how their properties vary across polymorphs. By studying these observations, scientists can gain insights into the structure, energy and bond properties that result from the arrangement of particles in each polymorph. These observations can be made using a variety of techniques and tools, such as X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, electron microscopy, and single-crystal diffraction.

One example of polymorphism can be seen in tin oxide, which can exist in two distinct crystalline forms. Known as α-SnO2 (alpha-tin oxide) and beta-Sn02 (beta-tin oxide), these polymorphs have different crystal structures and very different physical properties. Alpha-tin oxide is a colorless cubic crystal, while beta-tin oxide is a pale yellow rhombohedral crystal. Alpha-tin oxide has a much higher melting point than beta-tin oxide and is also much more resistant to thermal shock. Alpha-tin oxide also has a much lower electrical conductivity than beta-tin oxide.

The physical properties of these polymorphs were further studied through an experiment which involved heating a sample of tin oxide in an oxidizer. As the sample was heated, the tin oxide changed from alpha-tin oxide to beta-tin oxide. During this transformation the color changed from colorless to pale yellow. Additionally, the researchers observed that the volume of the sample increased and the crystal structure changed.

The study of polymorphism is an important part of crystallography, as it allows scientists to gain insights into the behavior of crystals under different external forces. Additionally, it can provide information about novel properties that may not have been revealed by traditional analytical techniques. With further research, scientists may be able to use polymorphism to unlock not just new properties but new materials.

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Metallographic map 1155 2023-06-19 1082 WhimsyDaisy

Body centered cubic to tetragonal martensitic transformation is widely observed in a variety of polycrystalline materials. In this transformation, a martensitic transformation usually leads to a significant strain in the crystal lattice. In particular, the body centered cubic (BCC) to tetragonal m......

Body centered cubic to tetragonal martensitic transformation is widely observed in a variety of polycrystalline materials. In this transformation, a martensitic transformation usually leads to a significant strain in the crystal lattice. In particular, the body centered cubic (BCC) to tetragonal martensitic transformation (TMT) is characterized by a large strain in the [110] direction, which is accompanied by a slight change in other directions.

The TMT can be studied using a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction in the convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED) mode. During this study, the lattice strain associated with the TMT can be observed and the orientation relationship between the BCC and tetragonal phases can be determined.

TEM observations in this case can include the observation of the TMT boundaries that contain both the BCC and tetragonal grains. Additionally, observations of the BCC and tetragonal lattice structures and dislocations can be made, which can be focused on understanding the underlying structural features that drive the TMT.

Inelastic scattering and selected-area diffraction in the TEM can be used to determine the detailedatomisticstructure of the BCC to tetragonal Martensite within the grains, as well as the orientation of the grains relative to each other.

By utilizing these TEM techniques, a full understanding of the TMT can be revealed, which can be used to further understand the underlying physics of this transformation and its effects on material properties.

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