GB 10869-89 Specifications for power station control valves

EB GB 10869-89 Technical Conditions of Power Stations Control Valve This document provides technical standards and technical requirements for the design, selection, manufacture, installation, management, operation, maintenance and repair of power station control valves. 1 Scope This technical c......

EB GB 10869-89 Technical Conditions of Power Stations Control Valve

This document provides technical standards and technical requirements for the design, selection, manufacture, installation, management, operation, maintenance and repair of power station control valves.

1 Scope

This technical condition is applicable to control valve which applies in the steam system and cooling water system of power station.

2 Normative references

2.1 Protective conditions of steam turbine and Electric Locomotive


2.2 Steel butt welding pipe fittings


2.3 Pressure-resistant steel of carbon steel

2.3.1 General use GB/T12228-2005

2.3.2 Special use GB/T12230-2005

2.4 Carbon steel valves for high pressure


2.5 Pressure-resistant reliable valve station


2.6 Vibration test and impact test of valves


2.7 Valve shock pipe insert test


2.8 Part name of the valve


3 Definitions

3.1 High pressure gate valves are mainly gate valves, globe valves, and wedge gate valves with nominal diameter up to 250mm, pressure level up to PN50.

3.2 Medium pressure gate valves are mostly gate valves, globe valves, and wedge gate valves with nominal diameter 200mm and nomial pressure up to PN25.

3.3 Low pressure gate valves are mostly gate valves and globe valves with nominal diameter up to 80 mm and nomial pressure up to PN16.

3.4 Pressure Resistance

The determination of the degree of pressure resistance of a shut-off valve must be done in accordance with the standard of GB/T12224-2005.

4 Characteristics

4.1 Design

4.1.1 Forms

Power station control valves are mostly developed and produced in the form of high pressure, medium pressure and low pressure.

4.1.2 Structural length

According to the users process flow and other special requirements, the length of the power station control valve is generally determined by the nominal diameter, pressure rating, flow characteristics and other parameters.

4.1.3 Pressure and temperature

The power station control valves should be designed according to the actual working pressure and temperature requirements provided by the user.

4.2 Performance

4.2.1 Sealing performance

The sealing performance of the power station control valve should meet the requirements of product standards, and the leakage of their seat test should meet the requirements of category III leakage standards of 4.3.2.

4.2.2 Flow characteristics

The flow characteristics of the power station control valve should meet the requirements of product standards and product selection, and generally conform to the equal-percentage characteristics and the linear characteristics.

4.2.3 Sticking and jitter

The power station control valves should be free from sticking and jitter when operating and they can achieve the rated regulation ratio when the action is full.

5 Unified technical requirements and inspection

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 Quality assurance

The power station control valve should have complete quality documents, including records of raw material inspection, manufacturing inspection, performance test, etc.

5.1.2 Raw materials

The raw materials of power station control valves should meet the requirements of GB/T12228-2005, GB/T12230-2005 and other applicable standards.

5.1.3 Manufacturing

Power station control valve must meet the requirements of product standards, as well as GB/T13401-2009, GB/T12224-2005 and other applicable standards.

5.1.4 Test

The power station control valve should be tested in accordance with the requirements of product standards and product selection, including the sealing performance test, the flow characteristic test, the sticking-jitter test, and the valve full-action test, etc., and the vibration and impact test of the valve should meet the requirements of GB/T13927-2008 and GB/T13928-2008.

5.2 Check

5.2.1 Check of nameplate

The marking of the power station control valve should meet the requirements of GB/T13388-92.

5.2.2 Variety

The power station control valve installed in the same part should use the same brand and the same type of valve.

5.2.3 Part position

The connecting flange of the power station control valves should be consistent with the procedures of GB/T12221-2005 and GB/T12222-2005, and the connecting parts should guarantee that the valve flap is in the correct position in the pipe.

5.2.4 Duty rating

The power station control valves should meet the requirements of product standards and product selection.

6 Management and Service

6.1 Management

6.1.1 Operation and maintenance

The operation and maintenance of the power station control valve should be in accordance with the principle of best performance and appropriate protection, and the internal and external parts of the valve should be regularly inspected, tested and adjusted.

6.1.2 Damage

If the power station control valve is damaged, it should be replaced as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the steam turbine and electric locomotive operation.

6.2 Service

6.2.1 Repair

The repair of the power station control valves should be done in accordance with the requirements of GB/T15237-1994, and it should meet the requirements of the product standards and product selection.

6.2.2 Troubleshooting

If there is a problem with the power station control valve, the users should consult the manufacturer or the manufacturers representative and arrange personnel to solve the problem.

7 Disposal

7.1 Disposal conditions

7.1.1 The scrapped power station control valves should be disposed of in accordance with the applicable environmental regulations and the requirements of the user.

7.1.2 The dismantled valve flaps should be adequately processed to ensure that they do not have any harmful substances.

7.1.3 The removed parts must be properly classified and stored in a safe place to avoid loss or damage.

7.2 Disposal safety

When disposing of power station control valves, personal safety should be ensured. The staff involved in the disposal must wear the necessary protective equipment, and the staff must not be exposed to the hazardous materials produced in the disposal process.

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