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theoretical calculation 740 16/06/2023 1051 Katie

Liberalism: Its Origins and Evolution In the 19th century, liberalism emerged as a dominant political philosophy that sought to defend individual autonomy and defend the rights of the people. Since then, liberalism has evolved to become an ideology that seeks to promote individual liberty, democr......

Liberalism: Its Origins and Evolution

In the 19th century, liberalism emerged as a dominant political philosophy that sought to defend individual autonomy and defend the rights of the people. Since then, liberalism has evolved to become an ideology that seeks to promote individual liberty, democracy, free markets, and government intervention only where necessary to protect citizens from harm. While different forms of liberalism have unique features and policy agendas, there are some core principles that define the ideological leanings of this political school of thought.

Liberalism is built on the premise that individuals should be free to act without coercion from the state or any other powerful entity. To promote this notion of autonomy, liberals have sought to limit government intervention in economic and social affairs, citing the importance of individual liberty and the natural desire of people to govern themselves. This also extends to democratic governance where citizens have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. In the context of free markets, liberals have sought to allow markets to flourish whilst also relying on government intervention to promote competition and safeguard consumer rights. Finally, liberal ideology supports the idea of positive freedoms—the right of individuals to pursue their chosen goals without the interference of the state or other powerful entities.

The liberal ideology has its origins in Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, who argued that people should live under a government that recognized and respected their natural rights and freedoms. As liberal ideology evolved over the 19th century, its focus shifted from emphasizing individual freedom to recognizing the rights of citizens to participate in democratic governance and collaborate to shape their societies through collective action. This also extended to liberals stressing the need for the state to protect certain rights, such as property and freedom of religion.

The liberal ideology also changed with the advent of the First World War and the subsequent socio-political changes that occurred in the West. With the emergence of new forms of totalitarianism and corporatism, liberals shifted their focus to defend the rights of individuals rather than relying solely on collective action. This had the effect of strengthening the notion of individual autonomy, leading to an emphasis on civil and social freedoms. Economic liberalism also developed in the 19th century, with the state beginning to take a more prominent role in promoting private enterprise and protecting the rights of workers.

Liberalism has also seen much adaption in recent decades as the political and economic landscapes continue to evolve. Citing the dangers of unchecked economic power and the need to protect citizens from the abuses of large corporations, some liberals have called for greater government regulation of economic activities. At the same time, some have argued for the further liberalization of certain sectors, such as banking and finance, so as to ensure that individuals benefit from freer markets and greater economic opportunities. Finally, liberals have long sought to protect certain minority rights, often working in collaboration with minority groups and civil society organizations.

The liberal ideology remains an essential component of contemporary political discourse, having seen a resurgence in recent years as governments around the world move to address the challenges posed by economic globalization and other humanitarian concerns. While there remain disagreements between different groups of liberals, the core principles of individual freedom, free markets, and government regulation remain intact. As such, liberalism is likely to continue playing a significant role in the world’s political discussion for a long time to come.

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theoretical calculation 740 2023-06-16 1051 RadiantGaze

School Stress Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the homework assignments, sports teams, and extracurricular activities that come along with being a student? You are not alone! Many people experience stress at school, but there are strategies to help reduce and manage it. One of the most im......

School Stress

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the homework assignments, sports teams, and extracurricular activities that come along with being a student? You are not alone! Many people experience stress at school, but there are strategies to help reduce and manage it.

One of the most important ways to relieve stress at school is to create and stick to a consistent schedule. Prioritize your academic and personal goals and plan out how much time each day you can dedicate to performing these tasks. This can help you to stay on top of tasks and create less stress for yourself.

Creating a healthy study environment is also important in reducing stress. Setting up a quiet and organized workspace can help you focus on the task at hand. Try to avoid studying in areas with large amounts of noise or other distractions such as your bed or couch. Having a consistent area in which to study and complete assignments can help to make sure you are getting work done efficiently and effectively.

Getting adequate amounts of rest is also essential in managing school stress. It can be difficult to find the time to get enough sleep when you have a variety of commitments, but it is important to prioritize it. The average person needs 8-10 hours of sleep per night to function optimally, and it is essential to make sure you are getting it.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Whether it is from a teacher, tutor, friend, or family member, having someone who can provide support and guidance can make a huge difference in the amount of stress you’re feeling.

By following these tips, you can learn to manage and reduce the level of stress you’re feeling due to school responsibilities. Taking care of yourself is the best way to make sure you perform at your highest potential.

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