coal mining under buildings

Coal 188 1041 Catherine

Coal Mining Under Buildings Recently, more and more people notice that the ground-floor structure of some existing buildings are related to the underground coal mining and may affected by the coal mining nearby. Drawing on the experience of China, Britain and Germany, this paper specifically exam......

Coal Mining Under Buildings

Recently, more and more people notice that the ground-floor structure of some existing buildings are related to the underground coal mining and may affected by the coal mining nearby. Drawing on the experience of China, Britain and Germany, this paper specifically examines the risk of coal mining damage when coal mining is carried out under buildings and discusses the precautions that should be taken.

In China, coal mining activities under buildings are strictly regulated. According to the Regulations on the Administration of Underground Coal Mining Activities in Key Structures (for Trial Implementation) issued by the Ministry of Land and Resources, no coal mining activities are allowed within 500 meters of buildings, risk analysis must be conducted for the area within 300 meters of the mining area, and necessary supporting measures shall be taken for the construction and operation of the building if the analysis identifies the need. The specific measures to be taken include:

1. Strengthen the underground management of the building and take necessary measures to stabilize the building structure. When mining, strengthens the supporting of the shaft wall and the reliable connection between surface and underground foundations.

2. Strengthen the management of the excavation distance and ensure the safety distance between the underground coal seam and the foundation of the building.

3. Strengthen the design and construction of measures to prevent cave-in of the surface topsoil, and must provide corresponding remedial measures for the safe construction of buildings.

4. Mine scientifically, try to make the static pressure release as smooth as possible, add supporting to the underground workings so that the surface subsidence can be effectively controlled, and the engineering effects of the collapse can be minimized.

In addition, it is advisable to install structural health monitoring systems on buildings close to the mining, and to carry out regular safety inspections and technical evaluations of the buildings to ensure their safety.

It is important to note that coal mining under buildings is a complex engineering task which should not be undertaken without careful consideration of the potential risks and impacts. The poor geological conditions and difficulty to implement the effective engineering measures usually make the risk higher. Professional advice should be sought to identify how the risks can be addressed and managed effectively in the best interests of stakeholders.

The law stipulates that if the coal mining activities seriously damage the building, the mine shall bear corresponding compensation liabilities, and prescribe the specific fines for the illegal operations. The mine owner must strictly abide by the laws and regulations involved in the work and make sure that no harm is done to the buildings or any public facilities nearby.

In conclusion, the risk of coal mining activities under buildings is high and a comprehensive consideration needs to be made to identify and mitigate potential risks. The public awareness of this issue needs to be raised and the miners should be made aware of their responsibilities when mining under buildings.

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