Uncertainty Management
The world is full of the unknown. From the unknown forces of nature and outer space, to the complexities of everyday life, uncertainty is never far away. We all have to deal with uncertainty at some level in our lives, but how we manage it varies greatly and can have real consequences.
We may be prone to avoiding and trying to ignore uncertainty, but, in our current times of instability, it can no longer be ignored. Climate change, financial crises, political upheaval and social unrest all contribute to an atmosphere of uncertainty. The ability to manage uncertainty has never been more important.
Uncertainty is difficult to define. It generally refers to a lack of knowledge or clarity about something, the non-existence of stability and security, and the perception of future risk and danger. It can be an unsettling sensation that leads to an appraisal of our own personal sense of threat or risk.
Although it is natural to feel alarmed when faced with uncertain events, being able to manage and cope with uncertainty can create several positive benefits. This can provide us with a sense of mastery and confidence, which can be invaluable as we confront uncertain situations in our daily lives.
Managing uncertainty means being willing to accept its presence and not attempting to evade its impact. This can provide us with the opportunity to engage with uncertainty in a more resourceful way. We can create an environment of openness and acceptance, where our more proactive approach will lead us to make more informed decisions and be better able to cope with stress.
We can also create strategies to manage uncertainty, such as furthering our knowledge, gathering more information, seeking advice and opinions from others, and setting achievable goals. We should also be prepared to identify our own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to uncertainty.
It is also important to remember to take care of ourselves. It is essential to practice self-care and to be kind to ourselves. Stopping to take moments to breathe, to ground and to center ourselves can have a positive effect on our state of mind and help us to manage the internal dialogue which can sometimes seem overwhelming due to uncertainty.
Finally, it is important to remember that uncertainty is always present and that we should embrace it. By allowing ourselves to become comfortable with its presence, we can better equip us to face future uncertain situations and make sound judgement calls. Becoming more aware of our uncertainty allows us to dissolve the fear and allows us to remain clear and responsive in the face of the unknown.
In our ever-changing and uncertain world, the better we can manage our own uncertainty, the better we can navigate the complexities of life. By managing our uncertainty, we can gain more insight into our own needs, wants and expectations, and use this to make more informed decisions. In the long run, this will help to create a sense of clarity and stability, leading us on a path of growth and resilience.