Introduction of RMD welding technology

Resistance Metal Displacement (RMD) welding technology is a revolutionary welding process that enables manufacturers to join dissimilar metals and other solid materials to create strong and reliable connections. Achieved through thermo-mechanical pressure at the point of connection, RMD welding is......

Resistance Metal Displacement (RMD) welding technology is a revolutionary welding process that enables manufacturers to join dissimilar metals and other solid materials to create strong and reliable connections. Achieved through thermo-mechanical pressure at the point of connection, RMD welding is ideal for any kind of structural welding where the structural strength of the joint must remain as close to that of the parent materials as possible.

RMDs superior performance and reliability as a welding process results mostly from its unique feedback system. During the connection process, the RMD welding machines sense the displacement level of the metals and immediately adjust the input current accordingly, ensuring optimal performance at all times. This feedback system also safeguards against major resistance cycling, ensuring joints are highly reliable and durable.

Unlike other conventional welding processes that require highly experienced operators, RMD welding technology is available with pre-programmed parameters that can be adjusted based on the materials to be welded and the work environment. After following simple steps, the process can be started with ease, providing manufacturers with a non-contact welding process that is ideal for automated and continuous production runs.

An RMD welding system is composed of a control unit, welding machine and a cutting system. The control unit is the heart of the RMD system, controlling the electrical current, welding time, and the displacement level of the welded materials. The cutting system is used to precisely shape the welded parts and to ensure that the base material and the welded materials are of the same thickness.

RMD welding technology can be used on a wide variety of materials including aluminum, stainless steel and titanium alloys, as well as on composite materials including plastics and other non-ferrous metals. The process is incredibly fast and accurate, with weld speeds of up to 200 percent faster than those achievable with conventional welding processes.

The use of RMD welding technology significantly reduces the energy and material wasted during welding processes, making it an extremely cost effective solution for high volume production. It is also a far safer solution than traditional welding, thanks to its high accuracy and non-contact nature.

RMD welding technology can also be used in conjunction with other welding processes to reduce the overall processing time. For example, when welding steel and aluminum, RMD welding is used to fuse the two materials together, while conventional welding is used to fill any remaining voids or defects. This combination of welding processes reduces the overall processing time while still providing superior results.

Overall, RMD welding technology is a revolutionary welding process that offers manufacturers the ability to join dissimilar metals and other solid materials at remarkable speed and accuracy, ideal for any kind of structural welding. By providing reliable feedback and pre-programmed parameters, this non-contact welding process is also fast, safe and cost-effective.

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