Inspection of the shape of refractory products plug bricks and sprue bricks

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Inspection of Refractory Plug Bricks and Cast Mouth Bricks Refractory plug bricks and cast mouth bricks are important components in modern steel smelting processes, as they form the plugging end of furnaces and their mouth openings on the pipes and their linings. In order to ensure the integrity......

Inspection of Refractory Plug Bricks and Cast Mouth Bricks

Refractory plug bricks and cast mouth bricks are important components in modern steel smelting processes, as they form the plugging end of furnaces and their mouth openings on the pipes and their linings. In order to ensure the integrity of the furnace and pipes, the refractory plug bricks and cast mouth bricks must be inspected regularly to ensure they are in the correct shape and dimensions, with no damage or cracks. In this article, we will discuss the inspection process of refractory plug bricks and cast mouth bricks in detail.

The first step in examining refractory plug bricks and cast mouth bricks is to take a visual inspection to assess the overall appearance. During this inspection, any signs of damage, cracking, or other defects should be noted and photographed for future reference. Additionally, the inner and outer surfaces of each block should be examined for any imperfections in shape or size, remembering that these bricks are designed to fit tightly at both ends. Any bricks showing signs of uneven wear or other imperfections should be discarded and replaced.

After the visual inspection, the inspector should measure the length and width of each brick. This will help determine if the brick’s dimensions are still within accepted specifications, or if it needs to be replaced. Additionally, the inspector should use a ruler or other measuring instrument to measure the depth of each brick. This allows for a more accurate comparison between the bricks, which helps ensure that all the bricks have the same shape and size.

The inspector should then test the bricks for strength and durability. This can be done by applying pressure to the bricks and measuring the amount of force required to deform them. If a brick’s deformity is greater than the limit specified by the manufacturer, it should be replaced as it could lead to leakage or other issues down the line. Additionally, the cubes should be tested to see if they can withstand being heated and cooled without cracking.

Finally, if any signs of irregularities are noted during the inspection, the inspector should immediately stop testing and examine the bricks further to determine the root cause of the issue. In the case of linear cracks, for example, the inspector should analyze their size, shape, depth and position to determine if the crack is due to normal wear and tear or a potential defect in the brick. If a potential defect is determined, the inspector should immediately contact the manufacturer and have the entire lot of bricks recalled.

In conclusion, the inspection of refractory plug bricks and cast mouth bricks is an essential step in maintaining the integrity and performance of furnaces and pipes. By taking the time to conduct a thorough visual inspection, measuring their dimensions, testing for strength and durability and carefully analyzing any irregularities, furnace and pipe operators can rest assured that their equipment is functioning properly and safely.

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