Visual symbols for operation instructions of metal cutting machine tools (6)

及作文 Metal Cutting Machine Tool Operation Instruction Symbols (Six) Symbol Interpretation I. Tool/Spindle Retract/Advance The tool or spindle is used for reaching part to be machined and for retracting or advancing in response to the commands of the computer program used to control the ma......


Metal Cutting Machine Tool Operation Instruction Symbols (Six)

Symbol Interpretation

I. Tool/Spindle Retract/Advance

The tool or spindle is used for reaching part to be machined and for retracting or advancing in response to the commands of the computer program used to control the machine. The symbol for this instruction is the closed vertical line.

II. ApplyTool Pressure

For certain operations such as drilling and milling, the tool must be pressed with some pressure to cut the workpiece. This action is achieved with the symbol of a diagonal arrow.

III. Cutting Feed/Feed Rate

The feed/feed rate is the movement of the cutting tool against the workpiece, with this action providing the desired cut. The symbol for this operation is the line arrowing right.

IV. Stop/Pause

When the tool must be stopped or paused, the symbol of two crossed horizontal lines is used.

V. Tool Wear

To monitor the degree of wear on the cutting tool, the symbol of two downward arrows is used.

VI. Tool Override

When the cutting rate must be manually controlled or adjusted, the symbol of a star with two vertical lines is used.

These six symbols are used to provide easy-to-understand instruction for operation of metal cutting machinery. With the use of these symbols, operators have a visual indication of the operations to be performed, making the process of achieving precision results easier and faster.

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