Conveyor Roller Noise Control

Safe Production 335 1023 Hazel

Introduction Noise pollution has been recognized as a major environmental health hazard in recent years. In the industrial sector, noise generated by transportation roller conveyors is one of the most common sources of noise pollution. Various methods have been proposed to reduce the noise genera......


Noise pollution has been recognized as a major environmental health hazard in recent years. In the industrial sector, noise generated by transportation roller conveyors is one of the most common sources of noise pollution. Various methods have been proposed to reduce the noise generated by roller conveyors. The two most popular are sound insulation and noise controls.

Sound Insulation

Sound insulation is the process of insulating a room or structure from outside noises. This is often achieved by building walls and ceiling or installing special soundproofing materials. By isolating the noise from the source, the noise levels can be reduced significantly. This method is most effective when the noise sources are located in close proximity to the soundproofed walls or ceilings.

Noise Controls

Noise controls are much easier to install and use than sound insulation and can be more effective in reducing noise levels. Noise controls can be used to reduce the amount of noise traveling through the air by using devices such as noise barriers, acoustic foams, and noise absorbers. These devices, placed around the noise source, can significantly reduce the noise produced by the roller conveyor.


Noise pollution generated by transportation rollers conveyors can be reduced by using sound insulation and noise control methods. Sound insulation is the most effective when used in structures located in close proximity to the noise source, while noise controls can reduce noise levels by using devices such as noise barriers, acoustic foams, and noise absorbers. Noise controls are less expensive and easier to install and use than sound insulation. Both methods can be used together to maximize noise reduction.

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