Burnt magnesia brick

Refractories 554 1033 Alice

Magnesia bricks are one of the most important refractory materials used in metallurgy and steelmaking. It can withstand high temperatures, and its physical and chemical properties are very stable. Magnesia refractory brick is mainly used for furnace brazing, furnace bottom, furnace lining, glass k......

Magnesia bricks are one of the most important refractory materials used in metallurgy and steelmaking. It can withstand high temperatures, and its physical and chemical properties are very stable. Magnesia refractory brick is mainly used for furnace brazing, furnace bottom, furnace lining, glass kiln and other furnace heating equipment.

Magnesia brick has a high compression strength, which allows it to be used in areas with high load and high temperature stress. The high melting point and high refractoriness of magnesia brick make its thermal shock resistance High, making it ideal for use in high temperature and cooling conditions where thermal shock is common.

However, magnesia refractory brick has a disadvantage in that it is easily corroded by alkaline materials. Therefore, when constructing a furnace, it is necessary to choose a different material around the furnaces and use appropriate measures to prevent it from being corroded. To ensure its high-temperature performance and thermal shock resistance, the service life of magnesia brick can be greatly extended with proper maintenance.

To produce magnesia brick, the first step is to mix the raw materials together before baking. The raw materials used include magnesite, bauxite, clay and sea sand. The composition and proportion of each material depend on the type of magnesia brick to be produced. After mixing the raw materials, the blend is then molded into the desired shape.

The next step is baking. Bricks and blocks are usually baked in an electric furnace at a temperature of 1280 - 1450℃. The baking time depends on the shape and size of the bricks, as well as the temperature of the oven. The higher the firing temperature and the longer the firing time, the more firm and strong the magnesia brick will be.

After the bricks are fired, they can be tested for their physical and chemical properties, such as porosity, compressive strength and bulk density. The quality control in this step is very important. Finally, the finished magnesia refractory brick can be sold.

Magnesia bricks are a necessary material for metallurgical and steelmaking furnace construction. Its high temperature and thermal shock resistance, combined with proper maintenance and quality control, can greatly extend the service life of the brick. Therefore, the production of magnesia brick is very important in the refractory industry.

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