Analysis and Elimination of Typical Faults of Carburetor

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Analysis and Troubleshooting Techniques of Common Faults of Reactors Abstract Reactor is widely used in chemical industry and plays an important role in many industrial processes. It is normal for reactor to have some faults in the process of use, which belongs to normal and expected faults. How......

Analysis and Troubleshooting Techniques of Common Faults of Reactors


Reactor is widely used in chemical industry and plays an important role in many industrial processes. It is normal for reactor to have some faults in the process of use, which belongs to normal and expected faults. However, if improper operation, systemic equipment failure and other unexpected faults occur, it will cause great losses and dangers, so it is very necessary to understand the common faults and troubleshooting techniques. This paper firstly introduces the common faults of reactor, and then compares and analyzes the troubleshooting techniques and preventive measures.

1. Introduction

Reactor is widely used in chemical industry and is a component commonly found in a variety of systems. It is mainly used to transfer chemical energy from reactants to products. Generally, it is a closed system, and its products are sealed. It plays an important role in many industrial processes.

As an important component of the system, fault of reactor will directly affect the operation of the system. Because of different production environment, operating conditions and materials of reactor, the same fault of different reactors will have different manifestations, and its troubleshooting is also different. Therefore, it is very important to understand the performance of common faults, optimization mechanism and troubleshooting techniques of reactor.

2. Common Faults of Reactor

2.1 Leakage of Reactor

Leakage of reactor mainly occurs between the shell of reactor and other fittings, or between the shell and stirring equipment. The causes of leakage include thermal stress due to temperature difference, expansion and contraction due to pressure, and external impact force on reactor.

2.2 Unreasonable Temperature Control

Unreasonable temperature control will cause over temperature or under temperature of the system, and the temperature may be unstable when the system is under pressure. Possible causes include inaccurate temperature measurement and control, unbalanced pressure distribution, sudden changes in system conditions, and damage or instability of temperature control equipment.

2.3 Corrosion of Reactor

Reactor corrosion mainly occurs when reactor reacts with other substances for a long time, or when the operating conditions and materials of reactor do not meet the requirements. Common corrosion problems include production of chemicals, inadequate temperature adjustment, and improper selection of materials.

2.4 Damage of Reactor

Damage of reactor mainly occurs during processing and transportation. The main cause of damage is external force. The reaction between reactor and chemical substances also increases the probability of damage.

2.5 Disruption of Flow Pattern

The flow patterns of reactor are generally generated by internal structures, stirring effects and pressure. The failure of flow patterns will affect the reaction of reactor system and the efficiency of reactor. Common issues include blockage of pipelines, unbalanced pressure, fluid loss, and clogging of filtration equipment.

3. Troubleshooting Techniques and Preventive Measures of Reactor

3.1 Leakage Prevention Techniques

When using reactor, it is necessary to use quick-joint fittings or flange connections. The matching of bolted flange should meet the requirements of structure and load, and the sealing performance should be good. It is also necessary to use circulating water cooling system to reduce the temperature difference of reactor and reduce the risk of stress caused by temperature difference.

3.2 Temperature Control Techniques

When adjusting the temperature of reactor, it is necessary to carry out regular calibration of temperature measurement and control instruments, and periodical measurement and analysis of temperature 24 h to detect abnormal oscillation and abnormal temperature rise in time. It is also necessary to adjust the distribution of pressure, timely eliminate the influences of sudden changes of system conditions, regularly inspect the working performance of temperature control equipment, and replace or clean it when necessary.

3.3 Corrosion Prevention Techniques

When selecting materials, it is necessary to understand the chemical components in the reactor and choose corrosion-resistant materials according to chemical components and operating conditions. Regularly check and clean the reactor every working cycle and check the inner wall of reactor for corrosion and damage. Regular chemical and mechanical analysis can be carried out to measure the performance of material at different working conditions, and matched materials, protective measures and operation techniques can be taken according to the results, so as to effectively inhibit the corrosion of reactor.

3.4 Damage Prevention Techniques

It is necessary to always check the outer winding and supporting structure of reactor in the process of use, find and timely eliminate the problem of deformation or breakage. When it is necessary to replace reactor, it is necessary to ensure that the specifications of reactor meet the requirements, and replace it according to the specified direction and operation. In addition, it is necessary to do protective measures before processing, transportation and operation to ensure that the reactor will not be damaged or deformed due to external force.

3.5 Flow Pattern Restoration Techniques

When the flow pattern is disrupted, it is necessary to analyze the specific reasons, and take corresponding measures according to different causes, such as replacing pipelines, adjusting pressure and stirring devices, maintaining filtration system, and changing the operating parameters of system.

4. Conclusion

Common faults of reactor include leakage, unreasonable temperature control, corrosion, damage, and disruption of flow pattern. Different troubleshooting techniques and preventive measures should be taken according to different faults. Common preventive measures include timely professional inspection and maintenance, regular replacement of damaged materials, improvement of temperature control accuracy, protection of reactor from external force and production environment, and improvement of equipment structure and operating parameters.

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