Production and Application of Active Lime for Steelmaking

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The Production and Application of Active Lime for Refining Steel Steel refining is a very important process in the steel production and infrastructure industry. To ensure that steel attain the desired performance, production parameters need to be set at the beginning of the process. As a componen......

The Production and Application of Active Lime for Refining Steel

Steel refining is a very important process in the steel production and infrastructure industry. To ensure that steel attain the desired performance, production parameters need to be set at the beginning of the process. As a component in steel refining, active lime is a fundamental component that works to improve the production process. Active lime, also known as calcium oxide (or CaO), is a type of lime made from limestone or chalk which has been heated at a high temperature of at least 900 °C in a kiln.

Active lime is used in extraction, purification, and refining of steel. In the production of steel, scrap metal is melted and mixed with other materials including alloys for adjusting the molten steel. The molten content is then charged into an open ladle furnace and held at high temperatures which is known as the refining process. Active lime is added to slags that form during the steel refining process. It helps reduce the viscosity of the slag and helps increase the rate of the reaction by reforming the slag and lowering its melting temperature. Active lime is also added to convert harmful and impure oxides in the steel to a form that is easier to separate.

Active lime also plays an important role in the production of steel in the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking process. In this process, molten steel is treated with active lime, either by injection or by hand, to remove the impurities present in the liquid steel and thereby obtain the desired steel grades. The lime content is also important for the formation of appropriate slag during the steelmaking process. Additions of active lime are typically made to promote the fluiity of the slag and change its temperature of solidification.

The application of active lime in steelmakingprocesses helps to improve the quality of the steel, reduce production costs, and improve the lifespan of the equipment and tools used for processing the steel. The addition of active lime also helps to reduce the environmental footprint of production, as it boosts the efficiency of refining processes and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Active lime is also involved in the production of other materials, including pig iron, cement, and slags. It plays an integral role in these processes, providing benefits both in terms of efficiency and improved product quality. For example, in cement production, it works to raise the temperature of the kiln, favourably affecting both energy consumption and the quality of the cement. In addition, active lime is used to create slag-based melanges, which can lower energy consumption when alloying in steel production.

In conclusion, active lime has numerous applications in the production and refining of steel. Its use improves the efficiency of the refining process, assists in the production of steel with improved properties, and minimizes environmental pollution during the production cycle. Active lime is a widely used and highly beneficial component of the steel refining process.


Reform and Opening Up to Socialism and New Rural Construction

Since the reform and opening up of socialism, the new rural construction has been bustling. In more than 40 years, the Chinese government has created a new rural construction path with Chinese characteristics and explored ways to improve Chinese rural construction. The main features of Chinese new rural construction are to rely on local conditions and focus on practical changes.

At the policy level, the Chinese government has issued a series of policies and regulations to promote the construction of new rural areas. It has implemented policies such as the Act on Main Functions of Urban and Rural Construction, the Act on Farmland Occupation and Coercive Repairing, and the Act on Rural Land Management, to create a good legal environment for the construction of new rural areas. In addition, to spur on the construction of new rural areas, it has also introduced preferential tax and financial policies such as the Low Rural Tax Measures, the Regulation on Rural Credit Cooperatives, and the Interim Regulation on Rural Funding Guarantees.

At the practical level, the Chinese government has launched a series of practical measures in the new rural construction. These cover the rural infrastructure, rural economy, rural social security, and rural environment. In terms of infrastructure, the government has invested heavily in rural roads, drinking water, electricity, information network, and other projects. For the rural economy, it has carried out the “Four Areas” and “Three Items” strategy, that is, agricultural industry development, rural industrialization, as well as ecotourism and high-tech industry development. For rural social security, the government has implemented the “No Social Poverty” and “New Rural Social Support System” policies to guarantee the basic living needs for rural residents. Furthermore, for the rural environment, the government has implemented environmental protection policies and projects to promote rural environmental protection.

In the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, the development of China’s new rural areas has made great achievements. It has transformed the rural backwardness, and created a new countryside. However, there are still some problems existing in Chinese rural construction such as the mismatch of rural industries, uneven development of infrastructure, and weak agricultural industry foundation. In the future, the Chinese government will continue to make efforts to promote the construction of new rural areas, striving to make Chinese rural areas prosperous and beautiful.

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