why-why analysis

Introduction Why and how people make decisions has been of great interest to philosophers, psychologists, economists, and other disciplines for centuries. It is complex and critical to know about decision making. This essay will focus on the concept of analysis and why it is important for decisio......


Why and how people make decisions has been of great interest to philosophers, psychologists, economists, and other disciplines for centuries. It is complex and critical to know about decision making. This essay will focus on the concept of analysis and why it is important for decision making. It will first define the concept of analysis and discuss its utility in making decisions. Secondly, the essay will discuss why it is important to be analytical when making decisions. Finally, it will critically evaluate the role of analysis in decision making, with examples of real life situations where analysis helps to reach a better decision.

Definition of Analysis and its Utility in Decision Making

Analysis is “The process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it”. It is a systematic approach to investigating knowledge and discovering solutions to problems. In other words, analysis is the examination of a situation to determine its elements and identify their relationships, so as to effectively tackle the problems that those elements may bring. Findings from analysis can then be used to test the validity of an argument or decision, solve complex problems and make optimal decisions.

Analysis can be a powerful tool in decision making because it involves breaking down a problem into manageable parts, evaluating the information and using that information to validate decisions. Furthermore, by taking an analytical approach to decision making, an individual can clarify their objectives, identify the facts, consider alternative solutions and plan ahead. Such a thorough approach reduces the risks of making wrong decisions.

Why it is important to be analytical when making decisions

Analytical thinking is important in making decisions because it helps to look at a problem from different angles. This reduces the risk of getting caught up in one’s own preconceived notions and allows for a more holistic approach to problem solving. It also improves cognition, as one is not only making decisions based on intuition but also considering all the available evidence. In addition, being analytical allows for an individual to consider other people’s views or opinions which can help to reach an informed decision.

Being analytical also improves an individual’s ability to think critically as it helps to identify and challenge assumptions. This forces people to question the status quo and look for more effective solutions. This is especially important when trying to identify potential risks or problems in a situation. By being analytical, one is able to identify potential pitfalls and plan accordingly.

Role of Analysis in Decision Making

Analysis can play a critical role in decision making. It helps to break down problems into smaller pieces and evaluate the facts surrounding the problem in order to make informed decisions. This improved understanding can lead to a more efficient and accurate decision.

In addition, it is also beneficial to take an analytical approach to decision making as it allows individuals to consider all the factors that may affect the outcome of their decision. By considering the various elements of the situation, such as economic, financial, social and cultural factors, individuals can make more informed decisions.

Moreover, being analytical can help to reduce the risks associated with decision making. In complex situations such as those encountered by business or government, a thorough analysis can be used to identify and mitigate potential risks.

Example 1

Take for example, a business that needs to decide whether or not to launch a new product. In such a situation, an analytical approach can be used to evaluate the factors such as the market potential, competitive landscape and cost structure. Analysis of such factors can provide important insights that help business leaders make better decisions.

Example 2

In another example, a government agency needs to decide whether or not to invest in a particular infrastructure project. An analytical approach can be taken to examine the different aspects of the project such as the economic benefits and potential environmental impacts. This kind of analysis can help the government make better decisions.


In conclusion, analysis plays an important role in decision making. It helps to break down complex topics and identify the facts in order to make an informed and informed decision. It also helps to reduce the risks associated with decision making by evaluating all the factors that may affect the outcome. Examples have been provided to highlight how analysis can be used to reach better decisions. Nevertheless, it is important to note that analysis should be used in conjunction with other decision making tools such as intuition, judgement and experience to make the best possible decisions.

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