China Antimony Industry

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Introduction Antimony is a naturally occurring element which is used in a variety of products across many industries. China is the world’s largest producer of antimony, and is responsible for more than 90% of the world’s antimony supply. Chinese antimony production and industry has seen large i......


Antimony is a naturally occurring element which is used in a variety of products across many industries. China is the world’s largest producer of antimony, and is responsible for more than 90% of the world’s antimony supply. Chinese antimony production and industry has seen large increases in recent years due to an increased demand for antimony products. This article will discuss the Chinese antimony industry, its current state, and future trends.


The industrial use of antimony dates back to at least the 1200s. Antimony compounds were used to harden lead in bullets, and the alchemists experimented with it to create an elixir which was thought to give eternal life. In modern times, antimony has a variety of applications ranging from flame retardants, semiconductors, and certain plastics and rubbers. The majority of the world’s antimony production takes place in China, which is responsible for more than 90% of the world’s antimony production.

Demand for antimony products has grown significantly in recent years due to a number of factors. It is used in flame retardant materials to reduce the risk of fire, and is used in the production of lead acid batteries, which are used in the automotive industry. Antimony is also used in semiconductor production, as it is able to improve system performance. The medical industry also relies heavily on antimony, as it is used in medical devices and treatments such as IV pumps and catheters.

Current State

China has long been a leader in the antimony industry, and has seen significant growth in recent years. The country is estimated to produce as many as 185,000 tons of antimony in 2020, which is an increase of almost 70% from the previous year. China is also the world’s largest exporter of antimony, accounting for 95% of global exports. In addition to the increased production, Chinese antimony prices have also seen an increase of almost 40%.

The Chinese government has taken several steps in recent years to protect the antimony industry. It has established a minimum export price on antimony to ensure that overseas buyers are not taking advantage of Chinese producers. In addition, it has established anti-dumping measures to protect Chinese antimony from being sold at below-market prices.

Future Trends

It is expected that the demand for antimony will continue to increase in the coming years. This is due to the fact that antimony is used in a variety of industries, and there is a growing need for products which contain antimony. Additionally, due to its flame retardant properties, its use in building materials is expected to increase even further.

It is also likely that the Chinese government will continue to take measures to protect the antimony industry. The Chinese have long been leaders in the production of antimony, and will likely continue to protect the industry in order to ensure a steady supply of antimony products.


In conclusion, the Chinese antimony industry has seen significant growth over the past few years. This is due to the increasing demand for antimony products, as well as the various measures taken by the Chinese government to protect the industry. The demand for antimony is expected to continue to increase in the coming years, and it is likely that the Chinese government will continue to take steps to protect the industry.

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