The Simple Troubleshooting Method of Water Leakage of Submersible Pump

Troubleshooting Common Submersible Pump Water Leaks Submersible pumps are widely used in many applications, from residential to industrial. Regardless of the job, one thing that remains the same is that all submersible pumps have the potential to leak. While leaks may be easy to spot and resolve ......

Troubleshooting Common Submersible Pump Water Leaks

Submersible pumps are widely used in many applications, from residential to industrial. Regardless of the job, one thing that remains the same is that all submersible pumps have the potential to leak. While leaks may be easy to spot and resolve in some cases, other times a more complex approach is needed to properly identify and fix the issue. In this guide we will share some tips on how to troubleshoot common submersible pump water leaks and provide more insight on the most common causes and solutions.

Visual Inspection

The majority of the time the source of a submersible pump water leak can be discovered with a simple visual inspection. This is typically the first step that should be taken when dealing with any type of water leak. During your inspection, you should look for any obvious signs of damage including cracks or other types of damage to the pump itself. It is also a good practice to check the pipes and hose connections to ensure they are properly sealed. If everything looks okay but the leak persists, it may be necessary to investigate further.

Testing The Pressure

One of the most common causes of a submersible pump water leak is pressure loss. If a pump is not adequately pressurized, it will not be able to effectively move the water through your system. To test the pressure, you will need to disconnect the power from the device and then attach a pressure gauge to the intake side of the pump. Once properly attached, you can turn the power back on and note the readings that the pressure gauge is producing. If the reading is lower than the factory recommended pressure, it could indicate an issue with the pressure regulator and/or the piston.

Testing for Suction

Another common cause of submersible pump water leaks is an issue with the suction. This means that the pump is not able to adequately draw the water up and thus the water is leaking out of the system. To test for suction, you should turn off the power to the pump and disconnect the suction line. Next, you should attach a vacuum gauge and turn the power back on. If the vacuum gauge is registering a lower than expected pressure, it could indicate a faulty suction line or a clogged intake screen.

Check For Blockages

A blocked intake screen, venturi or impeller can be a common culprit when dealing with a submersible pump water leak. When your system is not properly circulating the water, it can cause the water to back up and leak out of the system. The best way to check for blockages is to inspect the filter, intake screen and other components to look for any signs of buildup or blockages. If you find any build up or blockages, it should be removed before proceeding.

Clean And Lubricate

After inspecting the system and fixing any obvious blockages, you should make sure to clean and lubricate the pump. This is important as dirty or dry parts can cause the system to be inefficient, leading to a potential submersible pump water leak. To properly clean and lubricate the pump, you should use a high quality lubricant and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application. Once completed, the system should be tested to ensure that the leak has been resolved.


Submersible pumps are a great tool for many applications, but they can have the potential to leak if not properly maintained. By following the troubleshooting tips outlined above, you should be able to easily identify the source of a submersible pump water leak and take steps to repair it. If you are unable to identify the source of the leak or fix the issue yourself, it is always best to consult a professional to ensure the issue is properly resolved.

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