Thread Milling in Pipe Thread Gaskets
Threading in pipe thread gaskets involves the machining of smooth parts like the outside diameter of pipe in order to form threads. This process requires specialized tools and drill bits to produce a precise thread form that matches the thread profile of the gasket. Drilling the start hole for the threaded portion of the thread can be a challenge for the machinist, as the diameter of the drill bit needs to be accurately determined in order to produce the desired depth and thread profile.
The process of thread milling in pipe thread gaskets begins with a preliminary hole, commonly referred to as the start hole, to prepare the surface for the production of the thread profile. The start hole is first drilled with a hole saw, twist drill, or a center drilled bit depending on the material, diameter, and surface. In order for the thread profile to match the desired gasket, the diameter of the drill bit needs to be precise. The majority of the pipes used in gaskets have a minimum wall thickness of 1/16” and therefore, special attention must be taken when determining the drill bit size. The purpose of the start hole is to form a threaded line that meets the outside diameter of the pipe wall so that additional drilling and tapping can be done as necessary.
The next step in thread milling in pipe thread gaskets is to place and align the cutting end of the drill bit at the bottom of the start hole. This is done with a special jig or fixture designed to optimize the cutting speed and accuracy of the thread profile. The depth of each thread profile needs to be precise in order to produce the desired result when tapping the threads. In addition, the point of the start hole must be carefully chosen in order to create a smooth and accurate thread profile for the gasket.
The third step in thread milling in pipe thread gaskets is to use a cutting fluid of some sort. This normally cools and lubricates the thread profile and helps to avoid cutting burn. The choice of fluid is determined by the cutting material, cutting speed, and gasket material.
The fourth step in thread milling in pipe thread gaskets is the selection of tap. This tap is selected to match the thread profile of the gasket and should be of the correct size and diameter. When tapping the threads, the tap should penetrate the work surface in a smooth and controlled manner, not cutting or over-biting the threads.
The fifth and final step in thread milling in pipe thread gaskets is the inspection process. The thread profile must be assessed to ensure it meets the design specifications. If there are any irregularities, the cutting process must be re-evaluated in order to produce a finish that meets the design specifications.
Thread milling in pipe thread gaskets is a delicate process that requires attention to detail. The machinist should ensure correct tool selection, correct cutting speed, and the right cutting fluid in order to produce the desired result. The inspection process should be followed in order to guarantee that the thread profile meets the design specifications.