prohibitive tariff

Finance and Economics 3239 09/07/2023 1033 Sophia

Introduction The world has come to the point of no return when it comes to the use of prohibitive tariffs. It has been a popular tool employed by governments to protect domestic industries and to secure revenue generation. Every country has different goals when it comes to the implementation of p......


The world has come to the point of no return when it comes to the use of prohibitive tariffs. It has been a popular tool employed by governments to protect domestic industries and to secure revenue generation. Every country has different goals when it comes to the implementation of prohibitive tariffs, which has resulted in them being so widely used across the globe.

This essay will discuss prohibitive tariffs, its implications, and the effects on the global economy. It will also examine the different viewpoints related to the use of prohibitive tariffs, and the potential advantages and disadvantages involved in this practice.

What is a Prohibitive Tariff?

A prohibitive tariff is a type of trade barrier where tariff rates are set so high, that it effectively eliminates imports into a country. In other words, prohibitive tariffs are a way of restricting the volume of trade through taxation. They are used as a means of protecting a country’s domestic industry from foreign competition and safeguarding the stability of its economy.

Proponents for Prohibitive Tariffs

Proponents of prohibitive tariffs suggest that high tariffs can help a nation better protect its domestic industry, by shielding it from foreign competition. Domestic industries are the backbone of economic growth and the key to job creation and innovation. It is argued that high tariffs can help to achieve this goal by making it difficult for foreign firms to compete with local businesses.

Furthermore, high tariffs generate additional revenue for the government. This extra cash can be used to invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare and other various departments, making a country more economically prosperous.

Critics of Prohibitive Tariffs

Critics of prohibitive tariffs recognize that high tariffs can negatively impact trading partners, as well as domestic consumers. Tariffs can limit a nation’s access to markets and resources, making it more difficult for them to compete. This can reduce overall economic activity and growth, leading to a decrease in employment and wages.

Moreover, critics argue that high tariffs can reduce consumer choice, as well as push domestic prices up. This can have a significant impact on the general public, leading to higher inflation and a decline in purchasing power.


Prohibitive tariffs have been used for centuries in order to protect domestic interests. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages in employing such trade barriers. It is important for policymakers to consider all perspectives and effects of such policies before making their decision. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the government to make sure that the effects of prohibitive tariffs do not negatively outweigh the benefits.

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Finance and Economics 3239 2023-07-09 1033 Luminara

Prohibitive tariffs are a type of tariff or tax placed on certain imported goods that make it almost impossible for those goods to be imported into the country. This type of tariff is intended to be a discouragement to importation that is seen as potentially damaging or unprofitable to the home ec......

Prohibitive tariffs are a type of tariff or tax placed on certain imported goods that make it almost impossible for those goods to be imported into the country. This type of tariff is intended to be a discouragement to importation that is seen as potentially damaging or unprofitable to the home economy or to protect local or domestic industries by making the cost of competing imported goods higher.

The most common example of prohibitive tariffs is the tariff applied to certain luxury items. These may be limited to luxury cars, expensive jewelry, and other items which the government believes will not be necessary for the home economy. The logic behind the prohibitive tariffs is that extra taxes on these items will make them unaffordable, discouraging people from buying them in favor of cheaper and more economical home grown items.

Prohibitive tariffs are a more extreme form of protectionism and are rarely used in isolation. Most countries will employ some form of a tariff system in order to discourage the importation of certain goods, such as placing tariffs on imported fruits and vegetables in order to protect domestic farmers, or restricting the importation of certain luxury or consumer goods.

Prohibitive tariffs, like any other form of protectionism, can have serious economic downsides. By artificially raising the cost of foreign goods, countries can create economic distortions within their own economies. This could lead to inefficiencies, as domestic producers and consumers are not encouraged to be as competitive or innovative as they could be, and such products could also create an overreliance on domestic industries, which could lead to supply problems in the long run.

Additionally, prohibitive tariffs can be distorting to global trade, as countries are discouraged from trading with each other. This can lead to an overall decrease in global trade, which can have serious implications for the overall global economy.

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