Nanyang oil area

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Nanyang Oil Zone Nanyang Oil Zone is a petroleum business site located in the Nanyang, China. It has been established for centuries and is one of the most significant oil sites in all of China. The Oil Zone is located on the Yangtze River and is also close to prosperous cities like Beijing, Shenz......

Nanyang Oil Zone

Nanyang Oil Zone is a petroleum business site located in the Nanyang, China. It has been established for centuries and is one of the most significant oil sites in all of China. The Oil Zone is located on the Yangtze River and is also close to prosperous cities like Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Nanyang Oil Zone has a very long history, it is believed to have been founded by the legendary General Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty of 1127-1279. As he fought against the invading Jin troops during the Jin–Song Wars, he took up a defensive line in Nanyang. In 1279, when Nanyang was taken by the Mongols, General Yue Feis troops escaped to the hills and mountains near the Yangtze River where they discovered oil and the Oil Zone was established.

The Oil Zone has the capacity to refine up to 20million tonnes of crude oil a year, making it one of the largest oil refineries in China. It is also the largest and oldest crude oil transportation center in the country. The exclusive dealer and distributor for the Oil Zone is Sinopec Nanyang.

Nanyang Oil Zone is a major contributor to the economy of Nanyang City and its surrounding areas. It is a source of jobs and money for many of the citizens, who are employed directly or indirectly by the Oil Zone. The Oil Zone also drives the development of other businesses and industries in the city, such as construction, engineering, and transport.

The Oil Zone also contributes to the national economy by providing crude oil at competitive prices. This is important to China, as it is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and needs a reliable source of oil to meet its energy needs.

Nanyang Oil Zone is renowned for its technological prowess and expertise. It has bought itself an enviable reputation for being an innovative, efficient and safe place to do business. The Oil Zone is continually investing in both technology and people, in order to maintain its position as a major player in the oil industry.

In conclusion, Nanyang Oil Zone has a vital role to play in China’s economy and its continuing development. The site is important for its historical significance, its capacity for large-scale production and its potential for future development. It will be interesting to see how the Oil Zone evolves and continues to contribute to the growth of China.

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