
Social Media and Mental Health Although the Internet and social media have opened up a plethora of opportunities for people to more easily share information and connect with the world, they are also leading to a range of mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and a preoccupation with ......

Social Media and Mental Health

Although the Internet and social media have opened up a plethora of opportunities for people to more easily share information and connect with the world, they are also leading to a range of mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and a preoccupation with image. Social media can also create a sense of envy and comparison among users, leading to feelings of inadequacy.

The most common mental health issues associated with social media are anxiety and depression. Many people are constantly feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of notifications, messages and posts they receive. This can lead to feeling like they are missing out on something or that their opinions, ideas, or accomplishments are not up to standard. Additionally, seeing the edited and presented highlight reels from those around them can lead to feelings of unaccomplishment and failure.

This feeling of envy is especially potent for those in their tweens, teens and early twenties who are going through the process of building their identity and still trying to fit into society. Constantly being exposed to the highlights of their peers can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, especially if they focus on the match between them and their peers instead of the gap between each other.

The need to live up to the edited imagery they are exposed to can also cause individuals to present a different version of themselves online, creating an artificial image of what their lives should be. This can lead to a sense of disassociation and disconnection with their true identity. In extreme cases, individuals may even become dependent on their devices to the point that they may prioritize the image of their lives over their true experiences and relationships.

The use of social media can also lead to a lack of sleep, a decrease in exercise levels, isolation, and cognitive dysfunction, all of which can negatively influence mental health. All these things can lead to the feeling of being overloaded, exhausted, and exasperated, which often results in irritability, ruminating thoughts, stress and a lack of productivity and joy. This can further decrease the individuals satisfaction with life and affect their perception of the self.

Due to the many associated effects of social media, it is important to take a step back and assess the impact it has had on your mental wellbeing. Consider implementing strategies such as taking regular social media breaks, setting limits, immersing yourself in activities or hobbies that make you feel good, or seeking professional help when needed. Finally, don’t be afraid to share your true self with those around you. Remember, your life is not defined by the image you portray online.

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