Urumqi Petrochemical General Plant

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Urumqi Petrochemical Plant Urumqi Petrochemical Plant is situated in the city of Urumqi, in the autonomous region of Xinjiang in the northwest of the Peoples Republic of China. The facility produces various petrochemical products including gasoline, diesel fuel, lube oil, petrochemicals, chemical......

Urumqi Petrochemical Plant

Urumqi Petrochemical Plant is situated in the city of Urumqi, in the autonomous region of Xinjiang in the northwest of the Peoples Republic of China. The facility produces various petrochemical products including gasoline, diesel fuel, lube oil, petrochemicals, chemicals, and other materials.

The facility began operations in 1997, and has undergone four successive capacity expansions since. As of 2017, the facility had an annual capacity of 6 million tons, making it the largest petrochemical plant in China.

The plant plays an important role in Xinjiangs regional economy, having raised the economic development of Urumqi to a higher level and making it a major industrial base.

The plant is powered by natural gas and coal, both of which are plentiful in the region. It is equipped with advanced production technology that enables large-scale operation statewide and nationwide.

The products from the plant are mainly exported to other parts of the Peoples Republic of China, and abroad. The facility also provides high quality and sophisticated petrochemical products to both domestic and foreign customers.

The plant is well equipped with world-class technology and quality control systems. It also has a sound safety record, and is proud of its commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.

Urumqi Petrochemical Plant is a key contributor to Xinjiangs economy and is a shining example of the modern Chinese petrochemical industry. The facility continues to produce reliable, high-quality products despite the changing global market conditions and geopolitical climate.

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