People’s Republic of China Anti-Subsidy Regulations
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is committed to creating and maintaining a market-based environment in which domestic industries can compete fairly and invest confidently. To this end, the PRC has developed and implemented the “People’s Republic of China Anti-Subsidy Regulations” (the “Regulations”), which provide a legal framework to protect Chinese companies from the manipulation of subsidies or other forms of unlawful competition by foreign companies.
The Regulations define the concept of subdivision and restrictions on the provision of subsidies, such as the requirement that all foreign subsidies must be approved by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). MOFCOM is also responsible for the investigation and imposition of remedial measures to address violations of the Regulations.
Under the Regulations, a “subsidy” is defined as “a grant of financial assistance by any foreign government or its designated agent, including a grant, loan or guarantee of a loan, provided by a foreign government or its designated agent, that has a competitive effect on the Chinese market.”
The subparagraphs of the Regulations provide a more specific definition of the different forms of subsidies that are prohibited, including direct and indirect aid, such as cash grants, tax advantages, grants for non-eligible products, and subsidized loans. The Regulations also outline the duties of MOFCOM with respect to the investigation and imposition of remedial measures for the violation of the Regulations.
The Regulations require all foreign enterprises and their affiliated companies to comply with the provisions of the Regulations, including the prohibition on any subsidies to domestic consumers. All foreign subsidies that are not authorized by MOFCOM are prohibited and any violation of the Regulations will lead to remedial measures as prescribed by MOFCOM.
Remedial Measures
If it is found that a domestic Chinese enterprise has benefitted from a foreign subsidy, MOFCOM will consider the appropriateness of remedial measures. The likely measures include the following:
• Reduction or elimination of the subsidy;
• The suspension or termination of export or import business;
• The application of countervailing duties;
• The imposition of fines; and
• Other measures as deemed necessary.
In conclusion, the People’s Republic of China Anti-Subsidy Regulations aim to create and maintain a competitive business environment between domestic and foreign companies in the Chinese market. These Regulations continue to be a prominent element in the efforts of the Chinese government to foster fair competition and protect domestic businesses from the manipulation of subsidies or other forms of unlawful competition from foreign companies.