Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone

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Introduction Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone (DETDZ) is a major investment destination in China. Located in the southern tip of Liaonign province, it is part of the Bohai Bay Economic Rim, between the Bohai Sea and Chinas Yellow Sea. The DETDZ government encourages business dev......


Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone (DETDZ) is a major investment destination in China. Located in the southern tip of Liaonign province, it is part of the Bohai Bay Economic Rim, between the Bohai Sea and Chinas Yellow Sea. The DETDZ government encourages business development and foreign direct investment (FDI). The 1997 State Council and the 1998 National Development and Reform Commission approved the establishment of DETDZ, which was formally opened in July 1998. The purpose of the DETDZ is to promote regional economic development, improve龙8国际娱乐 the economic structure, and attract foreign investment.


DETDZ is composed of four areas: Dalian Bonded Area, Dalian Airport Economic and Technological Zone, Dalian Longgang Development Zone, and Dalian High-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Together, these districts provide the infrastructure for efficient business operations and direct access to Dalian Bay. DETDZ is well connected by expressways and rail, as well as by sea and air. Dalian Jinzhou Airport is the main international airport. In addition, there are three international ports, the Hoegh Autoliners, the Bohai Ferry International Ferry Terminal, and the Dongbeizhen Port.

Investment Environment

The DETDZ offers a welcoming and efficient business environment, with a range of fiscal and financial incentives to attract foreign investment and multinational corporations. Detailed information on investment incentives, including tax holidays for investors, relief from customs duties and inventory taxes, reduction of corporate income tax, and other fiscal and monetary incentives can be found in the DETDZ website.

Investment opportunities

The DETDZ offers a range of industries, from traditional manufacturing and service industries to high-tech and information technology industries. Automobile manufacturing, electronics assembly, petrochemical and pharmaceuticals, and high-end research and development projects represent the most important industrial activities. Additionally, DETDZ is creating a financial services cluster, focusing on the banking and insurance sectors.

In addition to traditional manufacturing, DETDZ is also home to a large number of technology companies, start-ups, and incubators. These companies are attracted by the high number of skilled technical personnel and the general quality of the local infrastructure. Detailed information on these companies, including contact information, can be found on the DETDZ website.


DETDZ offers a high quality of life to its citizens. The city is well equipped with different types of medical services and hospitals, including private healthcare. High-end restaurants and shopping malls are plentiful, and there is a wide range of leisure activities. Dalian is also home to world-class universities, research centers, and cultural centers.


Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone is an attractive investment destination for businesses and multinational corporations looking for an efficient and welcoming investment environment. There are a wide range of incentives and features such as tax holidays, reduction of corporate income tax, and specialized infrastructure. The variety of activities, industries, and infrastructure available across the four zones make DETDZ an ideal location for investment. In addition, the high quality of life and variety of leisure activities make it a great place to live and work.

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